Chapter One: The First Day

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I let out a big yawn as I step off the plane, despite me sleeping the whole time on the ride. Rubbing my eyes, I look around to take in the sights. It's just as amazing as I thought it would be. Smiling to myself, I venture off to try and catch a train to the area that I will be living at for a while. To be honest, I'm surprised that I was the person to get the opportunity to study abroad in Japan. I love this place so much. Despite how different the culture is from our own in America, I think I'll be able to get used to it pretty quickly.

My parents weren't completely good with the idea, but eventually caved when I reminded them that they were the ones who said I should get out of the house more. I'm surprised that it actually worked. Well, whatever. As of right now, I need to get to my hotel. For around a week at most, I will be living in the hotel, but on the first day of school for me, the teacher will be letting the class know that I will need lodging for the two years I will be spending there. Yup, two years. I will be a second year when I start, and I am going to stay there until my graduation. Yay!

For now though, I need to get to my room and unpack the necessities. For the most part, Japan seemed to be exactly what I had envisioned, but I know that it might change at the drop of a hat at any time at all. I was excited to see the sights and smell the scents that this place will have for me during the two years I'll be here. I was like a kid in a candy shop who had just ingested another candy store's stock. I'm pretty sure that I was given a few looks but who cares right?

After what seemed like forever, the train hits my destination and I depart from it. I begin to look around with a little notecard in my hand with the address of where I would be spending a week in. I was never good with directions so I end up asking some locals where it is to see both how good my Japanese was as well as where I needed to go. As I explore, I end up at a crossroad and I forgot the instruction that the previous person told me. So, I look for a person, and thankfully I found someone. He seemed to be a student in a familiar looking uniform. I think we might be going to the same academy, but without a name, I don't know.

"Excuse me!" I call out to him.

He turns to look at me, and with a smirk on his face says, "Yo, how's it going foreigner."

"Honestly, it could be better." I chuckle. "Say, do you know how to get to this place? I'll be spending some time there until I can get permanent lodging." I hand him the notecard and he almost immediately knew the place by the looks of his face.

"Yup. Here, I can take you there. It's on the way to my house after all." He smiles.

"You are a life saver!" As we walk, I begin to try and make some conversation to fill the void of silence. "Say, do you go to Kyoh Academy?"

"How'd you know?"

"I'll be going there too! That's why I'm here! I'm so excited to see everything here."

He ends up chuckling at my comment. "Oh I get you. All the sights of all those girls! Man are they something else!" Oh... pervert type. Eh, what can you do. At the very least, he seems mostly harmless, but those eyes... its almost as if he's judging my every move. I decide to just ignore his perverted banter and just ask him some questions about the academy.

Apperantly, it was an all girls school until recently, and even now, the ratio is very low when it comes to boys. Other than that, it seems to be a normal school, so I don't need to worry about that too much. It didn't take too much time to find the hotel, thanks to the student. Despite not even knowing his name, I feel like we became fast friends.

"Thanks for helping me find this place!"

"No problem. Hey, if you want, I can take you to the academy in the morning."

"That would be a huge help! Thank you... uh..."

"Issei Hyoudo. You can call me Issei." He puts his hand out.

"(Y/N) (L/N). You can call me (Y/N)!" I shake Issei's hand and wave him off. Then I turn to the hotel. "Welp, hello temp home. I feel like we will not know each other for long." I smirk as I go and get a room. Once I have my key, I head on over to my room and just take out my uniform in preparation for tomorrow. I let my parent's know I'm safely in my hotel room and just relax for the next while.

I didn't have much to do other than just relax until tomorrow, when I'll be in front of so many unknown people, trying to introduce myself without being very frightened. I wasn't good with conversation, but I feel like I'm approachable to others. I spent most of the rest of the day just playing some games like solitaire on my phone and reading books. When it came to dinner, I cooked something quick but filling and ate.

Once my food had been sufficiently vacuumed into my stomach, I got changed into some shorts, my go-to pajamas, and passed out on the bed. Despite how tired I was, I was equally excited to see my classmates and happy to start this new segment of my life.

As the morning sun rose, and I woke up, I wasn't sure if I wanted to thank jet lag or curse it, since I could sleep easily last night but I was tired as a bear awoken from hibernation early than normal. I slapped my phone to shut off the alarm and got up to start the day. The sudden realization that I was in Japan and not my home was alarming but thankfully, that just seemed to add to my energy. I popped two pieces of waffles in the toaster and went into the shower for a quick wash. I thank my mind for not being one of the people who need to have a thirty minute shower in order to feel like they are clean. Makes morning showers more doable.

With my shower done, I change into my uniform and munch on my waffles to save a little time. I check my phone to see what time it was. Sweet! I was a little ahead of schedule, so I grab a book and head out to the entrance of the hotel lot. While I waited, I just indulged myself in a little reading. My life has been so fast as of resent because of the foreign exchange thing that I haven't had much time to just stop for a while.

I don't know how much time had passed until I heard a familiar voice screaming. "HEY! SORRY I'M LATE!"

"No problems. I mean, you're the one who might have some issues with your teachers. Mine will understand that I don't know this place." I smirked.

"Alright Mr. Confidant. Have it your way if youwant to wander for a few hours." Issei says. I knew he was bluffing since hehad the biggest smile on his face. Not to mention we both burst out laughing.And with that, starts my totally normal school life in Kyoh Academy! Yup!Nothing could go wrong!


Kinda short, I know. That is all normal with me though. Chapters from me are more like a complete scenario with little to no fluff. That may change, but overall, expect this kind of thing, just longer from now on.

Hope this wasn't awful... >w<

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