Chapter Six: The Piece

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My body is numb... I can't feel a thing, and yet it feels like I'm floating in a body of water. I guess I really did die... never thought I would come to terms with death so quickly. Some say when you die, you meet with an angel or devil, or some even think you meet the Grim Reaper. It's all just theoretical. After all, no one really comes back from the dead, just barely on the brink of it. Me? I'm fully dead... no way in hell I can come back from a stab wound like that and not treat it immediately. I guess... I just live here now... if I get reincarnated... Ha, like that's a thing...

Just then, I feel a jolt through my soul. It's not like electricity, more like I'm being pulled. It's slow at first, but begins to pull on me harder. It doesn't take long before I can hear something, or rather someone.

"Are you frustrated?"

Frustrated? Of course I am! I gave my life for someone I met I and knew for like a week. Do I regret it? No, I'd gladly do it again, as many times as I'd need.

"Do you want another chance?"

Of course I want to live again, I want another chance. Another chance to live, to hang out with Koneko, to get closer to her...

"Then it is done. Join my peerage, and fight with me."

Fight? Well, if I need to learn to fight to live again, then I will gladly do so... it's then that a light slowly starts to extend to me, my soul. It feels like it's in the shape of an arm. I reach out, not realizing I still have limbs and take a hold of it. I feel myself jolt forward, and my vision starts to turn white. I can feel... me again.


The first thing I start to see was just a blinding light, slowly turning into an actual image. It was hard to make out what I was looking at, despite it being a rather simple sight. A rather plain looking ceiling, with some fancy looking carvings in a small few spots. Unfamiliar to me, but gave a rather homely feel to it. My whole body feels numb, but I seem to have minimal control over my head. I can move my eyes a everything about my face, but I can't turn my head in any way.

"Ah, your awake. I'm surprised." An elegant voice filled my ears, one that commanded attention but felt casual. I don't recognize the stare from her, and it's not the same as the one stalking me at school.

"Considering I should be dead, I'm going to assume I'm not."

"Oh, how did you figure that out."

"Phrasing. You said you were surprised to see me wake up. If I was a soul, it would be natural for me to wake up in some sort of afterlife, if there is one." Having just "died" there really was only one of a few options that it could be. Granted, they could be lying, but until proven otherwise, I will believe them. Call it naive, but I'd rather not make a snap judgment over anything.

"For someone who just died, you're rather calm. Why is that?" Good question. One that I don't really know the answer to myself.

"I guess... it's just because I'm really tired right now. Nothing's really clicking so the idea that I died is just more like 'oh, I'm dead. Ok'. You get it right? I'll probably freak out later once I've gotten some coffee or something." Though now that I think about it, it is weird how calm I am about being told I died and brought back to life... Despite the fact my body is really numb right now, it feels off...

"I apologize for the suddenness of this situation. Normally I would ask whether you would have liked to live on as a part of my peerage, but this was a bit of a special case. You were already dead when I found you, but your soul was clinging onto your body as much as it could. That could lead to some... issues, but we will have to see later." Issues about being resurrected is the least of my worries right now!

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