Chapter Ten: Training

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"Alright class, make sure you grab the handout on your way out. Have it done and ready to turn in by Monday." Our teacher reminded us as the last bell rings for the end of the day. I wish I could remember what had happened during class, but my mind has been racing for the past week and a half since the last incident. Besides having to train to build my stamina, I haven't had time to just digest everything that has happened to me since I've gotten here and to be honest, I don't want to try to digest it... I just try to tune it out for the time being.

After I had grabbed a handout and left, Issei starts to call out to me. "Hey (Y/N)! You got a second!"

"Yeah. What's up?"

"Koneko wanted to speak to you about something. Something about a continuation from earlier?" He seemed as stumped as I was. What were we continuing?

"Alright. I'll go ahead and wait for her back home. Tell her-" Issei then cuts me off.

"She wants to meet at the club room. And to go as soon as class got released."

"Well... I guess I'll get going then. Wonder what she wants?" I began to walk off to the club room, waving Issei goodbye.

"If it's a punishment, make sure to enjoy it!" Pervert had shouted. I ignored that little bit, wondering once again why I had him as a friend, and continued on.

Upon entering, Koneko was the only one in there. She was currently reading a book, but the sleeve that had the title was removed, so I don't know what it was she was reading. "I'm here, what's up?"

As she looks up from her book and meets my gaze, she places a bookmark in the book, placed it on the table and sauntered on over to me.

"Glad you didn't make any detours. Rias asked if I could help with finding your fighting style so she can figure out a training regime for you. As much as we would want to keep you out of combat as much as possible, it wouldn't make much sense not to train you in something. At least enough so you could fight back should the need arise." I guess that makes sense... Right now, I'm too easy of a target. If those Chaos-whatever-the-fucks come for me again, there is little to no chance of me living.

"Fair enough. So, what are we gonna do? Spar? Or are we just gonna go off of me picking something up till I feel something?"

As she stands up, she responds with, "Did you do any sports back home?"

"No, not really." Setting down my bag, I follow Koneko who started her way outside. "I guess really the only thing I did was shoot guns and bows. No clubs or anything, I just did it as a hobby."

"Well, let's start with that then. Getting arrows meant to harm or hunt might be a bit difficult to get without breaking the bank, but it might be a good idea if we can get you to use magic arrows or something similar." There was a small shed outside, slightly propped open. She walks in, and after some rustling comes out with a bow, and quiver of arrow, and some targets.

"Is this a magic shed? Like a bag of holding but shed shaped?"

"No, just a normal shed." She hands over the bow and quiver and walks off to set up the range. If I do use a bow, I'll need to get used to having a quiver on my back.

With it on my back, I open it up. Since she's downrange, I simply pull the bow back without an arrow knocked. "Hey, uh... Do you know how many pounds this bow has behind it?" It seems way too easy to pull to use as a weapon...

"Hmm... should be about 400 draw I think. Why?"

"UH FUCKING WHAT?!" The record for the largest draw weight is 200, and I'm just casually doubling it without any issues at all. Feels something like a 40 pounder beginner bow... "Nevermind killing potential... are the targets gonna be ok?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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