Chapter Five: Learning the City

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I've never had such a hard time sleeping as I did last night. All I could feel were a mixture of excitement, nervousness and expectation. I ended up sleeping at 1 and woke up at 6:30. I've been laying down trying to get as much energy as possible, but in the end, I just got up and had a bit more coffee than normal. My breakfast was light, a couple waffles and a few blueberries. That being said I wasn't really hungry in the first place.

I ended up looking us some nearby areas that we could go to if we ever run out of minor areas to go. I was just too excited, and it was basically just a tour of the nearby areas. My mind begins to wonder around, thinking of how I would act if it was a date like in the states.

Shaking my head of those thoughts, I look over to the clock. It was 10. If I leave now, I can get to the fountain in 20ish minutes, which should leave enough time for me to find a decent spot to wait for a bit. I know I'm being a bit of a weirdo, considering that this is literally just a tour, but I can't help but think of it as a date. Has Japan already rubbed off on me?

Well, there's no point in wondering about it right now. I go ahead and get dressed in something casual. Open polo with a green shirt and a pair of jeans. Casual enough that can turn semi-formal if needed. I grab my wallet and my phone and head out.

After leaving the hotel, I wander down the path marked on my GPS. It's a bit sad that I have to rely on GPS right now, but I can't help it! I mean, I'd call anyone who knew exactly where they were going in a foreign place weird... that or over-prepared... My family isn't one to move a lot, and when we went on vacation, we didn't really leave the hotel all too often. I was the only one who went outside due to... circumstances. But enough of that for now. Right now, I just need to find a good place to stay for the next half hour or so.

It was then my phone vibrates... The only time I know exactly who is messaging me. I decided to ignore it, but curiosity got the best of me.

"What do they want this time?" A silent vibrate means it's one of my parents. That's not to say I'm on bad terms with them, I love them. It's just... they can be a bit overbearing. My parents are what you would call 'extremely religious'. They are part of the reason why I don't believe in the supernatural. They always believe that everything is planned out, so I always just did things my way, which tends to lead to them yelling at me.

After reading the message, it was the usual 'are you ok?' and 'are you praying?' bull they shove down my throat. Thankfully, I'm free here so I just don't, and lie to them, saying I did. I try not to let it get to me, as our meeting time is fast approaching. I don't want to be a debbie downer after all.

As I fiddle around on my phone, I feel some familiarity. That same calming feeling I have when I'm with Koneko. I put my phone in my pocket, and look around. If I felt her presence, she needs to be within view. Sure enough, after a small scan of the area, I see her. Her white hair stands out as well as the cute dress she has on. While it is a plain white dress with some frills that reach midway down her calf's, it suits her. She seems to be looking around quite a bit, and doesn't seem to see me. Might as well mess with her.

As quietly as I can, I blend in with the small crowd and begin my approach. Thanks to being a shadow for a big chunk of my life, it's easy for me to just act like the rest. It doesn't take long to close the gap, and I manage to hear her say something.

"Did her forget? Or is he late?" She seems genuinely worried about me, which makes me a little sorry for what I'm about to do, but only a little.

"Hey there pretty girl how about you and I hang out?" I decided to change the pitch of my voice and throw in some English to see whether or not I could fool her into thinking I was a stereotypical  flirty foreigner. I think I can see her pouting, but it's hard to tell since I'm looking at the back of her head.

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