Who are you my dear.

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Ben quickly left the library and made his way to Fairy godmothers office.

He knocked on the open door

"Oh Ben come in, what do you need"

"I was hoping I could see the info on the parents of the chosen students agine.

"Of course what's wrong?"

"Well it turners out that two of the older students where blocking a younger child, A ten year old girl named Isabella, but she never told me who her parent was. When she told me where she lived she named all the parents of the chosen kids but she called them all by name none by mom or dad" Ben says taking out the folders from a filing cabinet. He went through all the info but nothing minchend Isabella. All the parents he picked only had one child. 'Who is this girl' Ben thought to himself

"Did you find anything Ben?" Fairy Godmother asked

"No all four parents only have one child that we know of. I'll have to call Yen Sid and ask who she is."

"Will you be send her back?" Fairy Godmother asked putting her pen down.

"No the way she talked about where she lived, I think she sees the four parents as her own or something like that. She said they all live in Malfeasant's castle on the isle, and she said she shared a bed with Mal and Evie before she got a bed, I think we where unknowingly taking all of her older siblings here but not her."

"There is the paternity spell I could cast." Fairy Godmother says after some thought.

"No that would give her a reason to not trust us. I'm sure once she gets to know us she will open up more."

"If your sure dear. What will we go with her. If she is younger then the rest she will need different classes"

"I will have to figure it out after I talk to Yen Sid. But she said that she is the top of the classes she takes, if she is above normal grade level there will be no point in putting her in those classes. It will probably be best to just higher a tutor for her here, if she sees the four kids as family then taking her away from them all might just scare her."

"That is a good point. We don't know how she was raised. If they aren't her family but they raised her then taking away the only people she knows could cause problems. Try to get them to tell you who her parent is." Ben nodes his head and walked over to a crystal ball on the shelf, he grabbed it and walked into a small side room and shut the door.

Ben focused on the wizard he needed to talk to and taped the ball. Soon it was filled with smoke, it toon a few minutes for the smoke to clear but when it did the picture of Yen Sid was in the the crystal ball.

"Ah hello Benjamin, I was wondering when you would call me." The wizard said with a small smile "This is about young Isabella isn't it."

"Yes we didn't know she would be coming. She is to young to go to Auradon prep. And we have no information on her. What can you tell me of her?"

"Well Isabella is vary smart, she is at 13 year old grading level even with her being 10, do not try to push her into doing something she wishes not to do though she wont do it no mater how hared you push."

"She minchend she fell, the way she said it made me think it was more then just down then a few steps."

"I don't know the whole story but right before her 6th birthday she fell out of the crows nest on one of the ships and fell all the way to the deck. She was in a coma for 2 weeks before Maleficent and Dr. Facilier got her to wake up. It was after that she joined the school. We where all afraid she had brane damage so we where making sure she didn't forget things, for the most part she was fine, she tends to be a little childish at times and she usually cries even now when someone yells at or near her. But beyond that she is fine for all we know. She has lived with Maleficent and Mal for the past five years, one of the other kids are there at night also if not all of them, they all see her as there little sister. And before you ask no I wont tell you her parents are. From what I here from the kids the roomer is Mal and Jafar told the driver that she was Carlos' sister and that's how they got her to go with the older kids."

"That explains that, the driver would rather bring all the kids then miss one and have to go back... what should we do with her, would she work well with tuthers?"

"For Isabella I would pick one or two people to be her teacher, she does well with one on one. She loves to read and listen to stories, we reworded her on the Isle by the villains telling there side of the stories. She seemed to enjoy it vary much."

"Is there anything she needs to work on?"

"Well science isn't taught at Dragon Hall as we don't trust some of the kids to not try and blow things up, so all 5 of the kids will need help with that, She personally has trouble with cooking, she has trouble following long list of instructions so if you have someone help her it could help her she can do well but long list that need to be done in order she gets lost."

"I'll be sure to tell whoever we pick to be her teacher, and I'll ask the cooking teacher if she has time to help Isabella." Ben says writing down the few concerns. "Is there any known allergies for any of the kids do you know?"

"Not that we know of but there's so much that people are allergic to that we don't get on the Isle."

"Ok I'll keep that in mind. Thank you for the help"

"Its my pleasure. The poor girl deserves to get off this horrible Island. Now if there is nothing else the students will be here soon." the crystal ball filled with smoke and when it cleared it was empty.

"Well Isabella lets get you classes" Ben said to himself as he left the small room.

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