chapter five.

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jaehyun woke up once again. he regretted it this time. his eyesight is as terrible as before. he was dazed in pain and disgust. the now dried up blood seemed to cover the floors with its bitter color of glossy red brown. jaehyun felt like his whole body shut down from just one night of torment, how worse would the others be?...a few moments later jaehyun heard steps coming down a flight of stairs from beside him. jaehyun turned just to see a blurred outline of a man. he knew who it was immediately. "good morning love, i brought you breakfast" juyeon bubbled. juyeon ripped the tape that was on jaehyuns mouth, causing jaehyun to wince in pain. juyeon got a spoonful of oatmeal and held it to jaehyuns face. jaehyun stayed silent, his head slanging downward, not one movement came from him. juyeon felt disrespected in that moment and felt severe anger crawl up his spine. he instinctively wrapped one hand around jaehyuns neck forcing jaehyuns head against the pole. jaehyun gasped and moved around desperately. juyeon and jaehyun were now face to face. juyeon stared into jaehyuns eyes with no emotion, choking him with no mercy. the look of alarm from jaehyuns face made juyeon feel good about himself. he loved bringing pain to others. it was really a hobby to him.

as juyeon slowly started taking the life out of jaehyun he felt a shot of flashbacks come to him. the memory he felt like he was living was when his own father strangled him. juyeon remembers exactly how it felt. the panic and most importantly the pain. juyeon knew those feelings well, which made him immune to feel empathetic when he took lives. juyeon was lost in thought before he noticed the struggle jaehyun put up was fading away. juyeon released his hand from around jaehyuns neck and moved it to jaehyuns cheek instead. jaehyun was breathing heavily and he found it difficult to take an actual breath. juyeon enjoyed the sight of jaehyun being messed up and helpless from of his own work. "you're such a pretty little thing" juyeon said in a shushed voice. jaehyun gathered himself. "you are sick.." jaehyun said. juyeon ignored the other's words. "you havent eaten a proper meal yet..why dont we go inside the house, hm?" juyeon said as he cut the flex cuffs from around jaehyuns wrists. juyeon picked jaehyun off of the ground since the male was at a loss of blood and energy. 

the two managed to make it inside of the house. juyeon laid jaehyun on a couch and left to get medical supplies. jaehyun lay weak on the couch. if someone other than juyeon saw him, they would think he was dead. juyeon soon returned and kneeled next to jaehyun. he took jaehyuns pants off and wiped off the dried blood with lots of alcohol wipes. all jaehyun could do is wince from the sting. ¨sorry if im hurting you, but how else will you get better?¨ juyeon said as he bandage wrapped both of jaehyuns thighs. 'sorry? did he just say sorry to me? is this a different man, have i died already and im just hearing random things?' jaehyun thought. he was brought back to his senses when he felt juyeons hands cup his cheeks and was forced to face him. jaehyun saw guilt in juyeons eyes. was this really the man that carved into his skin? the man who threatened to kill him? the man, who is a killer? or was this the man sweet man he spent a night with, the sweet man who asked for trust, the sweet man who begged for him to stay? 

jaehyun stopped thinking about juyeon and instead thought of a way to escape. that is his prime objective after all. he decided he would try to use juyeons state as a way to escape safely. juyeon suddenly turned from a wolf to puppy in seconds, so jaehyun figured he would be harmless. ¨juyeon, i really need to report to work okay? ill be back later, i promise.¨ jaehyun smiled as warmly as he could before quickly getting up and walking towards the door to leave. jaehyun was about to unlock the last lock on the door before he felt juyeon pull his arm and throw him against a wall. jaehyun struggled to pick himself up and used the wall for support. jaehyun gasped when he felt juyeons breath on the nape of his neck, his wrists now pinned. he was powerless. ¨babe, you cant leave me. you wont leave me. i cant lose you¨ juyeon whispered in jaehyuns ear. juyeon kissed jaehyuns neck up until he reached his earlobe and bit it cheekily before pulling away. "sorry for....for. sorry if i hurt you." juyeons timidness could be heard through his voice. This wasnt the killer juyeon. This wasnt the person who stabbed a girl 3 times.  was it? 

jaehyun took a chance and elbowed juyeon in the stomach. he managed to unlock the locks and opened the door. when he finally caught a view of the outside he was caught confused. he did not recognize the outside as it seemed he had moved to the countryside somewhere. jaehyun bolted through the stinging pain in his body. escaping was the only thing he had in mind. unfortunately, with jaehyuns state, he did not make it far. as he tried and tried to run through the grassy fields he never saw any other signs of human life.

 it did not take long for juyeon to catch up with jaehyun. juyeon tackled jaehyun down. jaehyun was now faced down to the ground while juyeon was on top of him. juyeon grabbed jaehyuns hair to force him to look at the land around them. "you see that? theres nothing to run to, no one to help you, and no escaping. youre stuck with me forever." jaehyun felt a shiver go up his spine. all jaehyun could do is accept that there was no escape. at least for now. 


Hi. I am back after so long. Has it been 3 or 2 years? I do not keep track. I have matured a lot the whole time I was gone. I got older and reread the things I wrote in this story and it is very embarassing but nostalgic. I have had this chapter drafted for a while and I am now publishing it. I am still not sure if I want to upload chapters regularly, as I only write when I get very rare motivation. I think it is only fair I publish this one chapter though. Sorry to keep you all waiting and disappointed. And as always thank you for reading. 

jujae, jumil "the little things" [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now