𝙍𝙤𝙮𝙖𝙡 𝘼𝙐- 𝙈𝙞𝙣𝙖 𝙭 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧

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.Withered Flower.

"Yo, Y/n! You still can't remember anything about her? Seriously? I've figured it'd take some time but there's no way that it would be this bad! Almost a year has passed since she ran away from the kingdom and the incident happened..." Your old friend, Denki asked.

"I only remember her name. Mina, right? Or did I forget that too?" You asked, with burdensome fear in your voice.

"Well, I have to go continue training the other knights but I hope you remember more later!" He yelled at you as he ran away.

"Oof, ok thanks!"You sighed, still upset you couldn't remember anything else.

Suddenly, your mom came back from the garden and she started asking you questions.

"Oh, Y/n darling! How are you my dear? Remembered anything else from the incident yet?" Your mom asked you worried.

"Nothing yet. I can't even remember what happened in the incident. It's all my fault Mina ran away..."

"Why do you still think it was your fault? You don't even remember what happened!"

"Then what happened?! You said you'd tell me when the time comes! How much longer do I have to wait?" You shouted with full anger in your voice.

"Sigh... I guess it's time. Let's go inside the castle and I'll tell you everything."

As you both walked into the castle, you tried to remember anything else besides her name. Was she a princess too? A childhood friend, perhaps? Your head kept filling with positive but also, negative ideas until you were face to face with the gigantic door of your castle.

"What else do you remember?" Your anxious mother asked as you slowly settled on your comfortable royal couch.

"Only her name, what kind of relationship did we have together?"

"You two were best friends from middle school. She had a crush on you so she tried asking you out but she..."

"She what?"

"Remember your friend Bakugo? You, him and Mina were both really good friends together until she found out that he had a crush on you."

"Yeah...And about his recent dea-"

"She killed him with her acid in his sleep."

You started to hyperventilate and panic as your mother tried to calm you down. Suddenly, you fell to the ground and your memories came back running...


"I did it for us, Y/n! We could have been the cutest couple but he ruined everything for us! That's not a friend, that's a DEVIL in disguise!"

"He just wanted to confess his feelings, Mina!"


"Of course they're reasonable!"

"If that's the case, then you should join him, love! Then I'll join you both, and I will have control over EVERYTHING!"

She wanted to kill you so she can control you, again.

She attacked you and you ended up forgetting almost everything about her.

Without a warning, an acid explosion broke the castle's door and she was right in front of your sight...

"Miss me?"

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