Chapter 12

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Ty's POV now, Flashback over, normal time, you get wut I mean.

"Where did they go?!" Yelled a rather frustrated Mitch, with Jerome at his side. Those two had been raiding the house for Ian and Seto for almost a half hour now, but there is still no trace of them anywhere. We know for a fact that they aren't in the basement. Jason, Adam, and Quentin had checked down there earlier, but there was no trace of them, though there were some very small specks of blood on the carpet. Quentin, who knows quite a lot about animals (especially fish and amphibians) told us that the blood is fresh, and couldn't be more than a couple hours old.

Adam, on the other hand, is a wreck. He almost had to take off his amulet! For those who don't know, almost everyone in this group has some epic secret. I have a good guess for Mitch and Jerome, but the secret I'm guessing has nothing to do with magic or curses. Let's just say that I believe in Merome. Anyway back to Adam. His secret is probably the biggest.

3rd person view flashback narrator

Adam was born a normal boy, with a normal life. He loved many things, especially his golden amulet with a purple jewel in the middle, and was kind to all who would be kind to him. There seemed to be no hatred in his milky chocolate brown eyes, and he never had any greed, until one day something terrible happened. Whenever his family went to an aquarium, Adam would be entranced by the beauty of the creatures of the ocean. To be more precise, he like to stare at the giant squid in the middle tank, near the sharks. On the day that Adam turned 10, his beloved parents decided to take him scuba diving in a squid pond, just outside of LA. It was amazing. They swam around the squids, Adam was having the time of his life, until he heard something behind him. It sounded like a distant scream. He whipped his head around to see what was going on, but it was too late. The squids were attacking his parents. Adam swam as fast as he could towards them, screaming, trying to help, but the squids kept pulling his parents away. Further, deeper, until they were lost in the darkness of the lakes depths. Even when he couldn't see his beloved parents, Adam kept yelling and swimming, calling for his loved ones until his voice started to fade, and the water pressure was crushing him. Using his last breath, he whimpered the names of his parents as he fainted, many meters under the surface. He dreamed of his now gone parents, where the sun was his mother, the moon was his father, and he was their sky. It was the dream he'd never forget. Ever.

The now orphaned boy awoke 2 weeks later in hospital, with many machines attached to him. Adam was scared, but more than that he was miserable. It only took him a couple seconds to remember what had happened. He cried and cried, but nobody came to his aid. He was alone.

Once the flow of tears slowed, he tried to call for help, to tell people he was here, to ask what had happened while he slept, but he couldn't. His voice was... gone. That just added to the sorrow. Adam clutched the golden amulet around his neck with his shaking hands and cried until his mind was numb.

A month later, Adam had been adopted by a kind couple who would send him to a nice school. It wasn't just any school, but a school for the disabled. Some kids were blind (one even missing an eye), some were completely deaf, some kids were terrified by everything, some kids had missing arms and legs, and some kids, like Adam, were mute. Well, Adam was only a temporary mute, as his silence was caused by trauma and over use. 

On the first day at his new school, Adam was bullied. Every day he would be pushed around, joked about, all that jazz. There was one person that was always there for Adam, one person who would always be at his side, ready to help. The boy was extremely clever, extremely loyal, and had an incredible gift for drawing, but never told why he couldn't speak. He went by the name of Sub. 

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