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Instead of freaking myself out with such disdainful ideas, I decide to join Harry in bed. As I walk to my bedroom his snores increase in volume. His tall body is almost so long that it hangs off of my bed. I slide in next to him in bed and notice that he's sweating profusely. I look into his sleeping face and see not the peaceful expression of sleep but rather the troubled face of a boy having a nightmare. Suddenly I hear him yelp and he pushes himself into my chest, just like a small child would to their mother. I brush his long curly hair behind his ears and off his drenched forehead. He shakes in my arms and decide that it's probably a good time to wake him up. 

"Harry. Baby boy, wake up. Mo-I'm worried about you." I hear him whine and his eyes flutter open. 

"Goodmorning ma'am." I gently smile down at him.

"Are you okay Harry?"

"Why do you ask ma'am?"

"You were shaking and sweating. And in the future, do not answer one of my questions with a question. I prefer you answer it correctly." He nods.

"Well I had a dream that you were hurting me."

"Me? Hurting you? Harry I could never do that. What would make you think that?"

"You said earlier that you could and would make me disappear. I didn't like that."

"I'm sorry Harry. I was just very mad at you earlier. Please, don't take it to heart."

"Can I ask you a question, ma'am?"

"Of course."

"Why do you call me your baby?"

"Do you not like it?"

"That's not the problem. I'm just curious as to why you're doing all of this. You just met me yesterday and now I'm laying with you in bed."

"Harry, there's a lot of things that do not and will not know. There is just one thing you ever need to know."

"And what's that ma'am?"

"No matter what, you will always obey me."

"Yes ma'am."

"Now, go back to sleep before you make me really angry." He doesn't answer and just closes his eyes. 

What the hell am I going to do with this kid? He may be too rebellious for me. I follow suit and close my eyes, drifting off into a world where I wasn't fascinated with my baby boys.

When I wake up to the ringing of my alarm, all I feel is hot. I open my eyes and suddenly realize why. Harry has himself completely wrapped around me with his head resting on my stomach. I try to slide out of his embrace but he tightens his grip, causing my nostrils to flare. I take my hand and clout him on the head. He jolts awake and shrinks back at my angry glare. I get out of bed and hop in the shower before realizing that he's in need of one too.

"Baby boy!" He comes running in to the bathroom, eyes wide at my sudden request. 

"Take your clothes off and get in here with me. I need to go to work soon and you need a proper shower." He nods and quickly stripes before getting in the shower with me. I push him closer to the shower head as I reach up to his head of hair and massage shampoo in to his mane. I rinse it out and then squirt body wash on to my hands, taking time and care to explore every plane of his body. As I move down his stomach and towards his groin I hear him moan. I smirk and continue south until I reach his cock. I take it in my right hand and slowly move my hand up and down. He puts his hands on my shoulders as I speed up the rate at which I'm pumping. Suddenly he stills before exploding. I'm glad I haven't washed myself yet. I finish rinsing him off before sending him away. But, being Harry, he doesn't go. 

"It's my turn to clean you, ma'am." His boyish grin matches the level of hapiness in his emerald eyes. He turns me around so that my back his facng him and he slowly washes my hair, massaging my head with shampoo, and later, conditioner. His expertise in this scares me. I know he's done it before. To some other woman. I feel my jaw clench and a strong anger rises in me, though I don't know if it's for this unknown woman, Harry or myself. He begins to lather my body with scented body wash until he gets to my chest where he slowly and seductively kneads my breasts. He's definitely no rookie. I whip around and push him through the door of the shower.




"Where am I supposed to go?" His voice is so sad and hurt.

"I DON'T CARE. GET OUT. GO SEE ONE OF YOUR WHORES. FOR ALL I CARE GO GET HIV AT THE STRIP CLUB!" He turns and briskly walks away, his head hanging low. I sink down in the shower, tears mixing in with the streams of water from the faucet. I don't regret yelling at him. Not one bit. I get out of the shower and finish getting ready because I know that getting in a fight with my baby is not going to be an acceptable excuse for not coming to work. I pull into my spot in front of the door to the precinct and lock the doors, seeing my partner comng my way.

"Hey C!"

"Goodmorning Dane."

"How was your night?"

"The usual. Nothing exciting." 

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