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        After the boring day of patrol I go home and change quickly into something a bit spiffier then I make my way to Antonio's. As I pull in to a spot upfront I check the clock on the dashboard. 7:04. I swear to God if Harry's not here, we're going to have a major problem. I walk through the front door and I immediately spot his long brown hair. I also see the waitress' long brown hair. Very close to his. I quickly make my way to the table and sit down directly across from Harry. Harry and our waitress don't even look up from their giggly flirting. 

"I'll have a Sex on the Beach, thank you. And he'll have a Stella Artois." She looks up at me with a nasty expression and it takes everything in me not to beat the living shit out of her. I clench my jaw and she scurries away. I turn my eyes to Harry who's head is buried in the menu. 

"I'm not going to ask what just happened because I'm not really feeling like making a scene here. One thing: do not fucking ignore me when I sit down, especially for some little tramp.

Ten minutes later and she still hasn't brought our drinks. 

He looks at me and puts down his phone.

"I need to go to the bathroom." He gets up and storms away.

 I see his phone, that he's been glued to, and I open his messages and see an interesting name directly at the top.

Jessica (Waitress @ Antonios) Curious, I open up the conversation.

Harry: Sorry about her babe.

Jessica: What's up her ass?

Harry: Who tf knows. I honestly can't stand her. Don't even know why I came here tonight. Glad I did though because I got to meet you ;)

Jessica: :) she seems really old. Cougar much?

Harry: She's rich, so I'm happy. She's too oblivious to even notice that I'm gonna use her for her money. She didn't even notice you and me

Jessica: You would think that she could drerss better with all that money she has. Meet me in the bathroom ;)

I slam his phone into my glass of water and slowly look up barely containing my anger.

"Oh, you are so dead Harry." I slowly walk to the bathroom, scared of what I'm going to find and what I'm going to do. I push the door open and see "Jessica" on the counter sucking face with my Harry. Her legs are wrapped around him, her skirt pushed up to her waist. I stand for a minute, weighing my options. Impulse takes over and I grab the back of Harry's shirt pulling him away from her. They look at me wide eyed before my fist collides with Jessica's face. I pull Harry out of the bathroom and throught the restraunt to my car. I shove him in the backseat and get in to the driver's side. I start the car and back out, not caring whether or not he's buckled in. We quickly get to my place and I park, getting out and yanking him with me. We get to my apartment and I push him in and to the ground, quickly following and locking the door. He's on the ground, looking up at me, eyes wide and wet with fear. 

"Oh crying's not gonna save you now Harry."

"P-please ma'am. D-don't hurt m-me. I'm your b-baby."

"No. My baby wouldn't be trying to fuck another girl in the bathroom at dinner. My baby wouldn't be talking shit on me through text messages while he's sitting with me. No, no, no. My baby would be only looking at me and wouldn't notice the other girls." I slowly walk towards him, the closer I get the farther he slides back. We continue this dance until he's backed up against a wall and has nowhere to go. 

"Get up. Now." Each syllable is accompanied by a kick to the hip. He stands up and pleads with his eyes. I grab the hem of his shirt and pull up and over his head. Damn, he really is something to look at. 

"Tonight is about me. Let's go. Let's use all this sexual energy and harness it. Time to teach you how to please a woman since you like to do it so much."

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