Chapter 22

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(Genevieve's POV)

"What?!" I ask my sister sharply when she breaks the news.

"You heard me. You have to come back so Charles can be put away." She sighs. "There's no chance without you."

"I... I can't, Annabelle. You know I can't face him. I left for a reason." I start to cry as I walk to my bunk.

"Genie-vieve," she pauses and I can hear a sniffle even though it's muffled by distancing the phone from her face. "I need you to do this. If not for yourself, then for me? Without him in prison, he'll never quit looking for me..."


"I can't hide in this basement forever, Genevieve Isabelle Hopkins. You have to choose. Cowardice or your sister."

"Anna! I don't wanna co- "

"First off, don't call me Anna or Belle. Mom named me Annabelle for a reason. Secondly, you are my sister. I'm the only sister you are ever going to get. If you don't do this, you'll lose me."

"That's hardly fair!"

"Oh, it's so much more than fair. If you don't put him away, he's going to find me. When he does, I'll be treated just like you were... because... you won't be there to honor the deal."

"Annabelle," I say, hurt coloring my tone. "I wanna help but I ju-"

"But nothing! You have until this time tomorrow to decide, and if you don't call me and tell me, you're dead to me." She angrily hangs up the old phone where you have to put the number of the person you're calling by switching back the chosen number, wait for it to reset, and do the next number that Gran has. I have always loved those types of phones because you can angrily slam the phone down. You can't do that with an any smartphone like the IPhone Andy has.

I collapse on the floor in tears. My own sister... She doesn't want anything to do with me if I don't come back and press charges against Charles. Can't she see I'm scared?

Andy comes in, sits down next to me, and pulls me into his lap. I just put my head on his chest and cry while he rubs my back. He kisses the top of my head totally not caring that I was staining his white KISS t-shirt with my eyeliner and mascara.

"Honey, what's wrong?" Andy asks soothingly.

"Annabelle... she s-said that... if I don't call her by this time tomorrow to tell her that I'm comIII mg back to press charges against Charles that, ... a-and I q-quote that I'll be 'dead to her.'" I sob in Andy's arms. "What am I gonna d-do?"

"It's obvious that they can't build a case without you." He looks at the floor. "I'm siding with Annabelle on this one. You need to be there as a witness, and I'll be with you every step of the way."

"You have tour though."

"It can be postponed, but this cannot. This needs to end. Now."

"Andy... you do not understand! I can't go back. I'm too afraid that it won't work and that he'll get off again and go after Annabelle and I again!"

"I will stay with you every step of the way. He won't lay a finger on you. I promise." He takes my hand.

"Um... okay..." I sigh. "I guess I'll do it..."

"I'm so proud of you, Genevieve. You can't overcome your fears without facing them first."

"I guess you're right..."

"Guess?" He grins.

"Okay, okay... you both are right..." I sigh.

"If you say so..." Andy grins at me again as he helps me to my feet.

"I'll call her back in a little bit." I wipe at the tears on my cheeks, but new ones start to fall as I blink.

Andy wipes my tears away with his thumbs. He pulls me into a hug and asks, "You feel any better?"

"A little bit." I look up at him since he is 6'2", and I'm only 5'8", and I pull a slight smile, hinting at what I want.

He smiles and leans down. I tilt my head up and to the left as he tilts his to his left. I feel the warmth of his lips connect to mine. As soon as they connect, I feel a desire like fire. I wrap my arms around his neck, and he puts his around my waist.

He pulls away after awhile and plants a kiss on my nose and my forehead, and a hunger takes over me. I want more, but I hold back until I can't anymore.

He smiles as he leans down for another kiss, but he kisses my cheek instead.

"Just one for now, okay? Calm down now..." He whispers as he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Okay," I say, but I give him a longing look as he pulls me in for a hug.

"Get some rest, hun. We've got a long day tomorrow." He kisses my forehead and heads to his bunk after making Sure that I safely climbed up onto mine (CC gave me the top bunk because he kept hitting his head when he got up, but I'm short enough not to).

"Night, Andy," I whisper as the rest of the guys come in and basically pass out on their beds.

"Night, Love," Andy whispers back. He yawns and I swear it has to be the, if not one of the, cutest things I have ever seen.

"Do we need a bigger tour bus so the love birds can have their own room?" CC asks while moving his eyebrows up and down insinuating something we'd be doing.

"CC... shut up," I moan. Andy laughs and throws a pillow at him.

"Thanks for the extra pillow, man." CC chuckles as he puts the pillow under his blanket.

"Ew, dude! Now, we're gonna have to buy a new pillow because I'm never sleeping on that thing ever again," Andy looks thoroughly disgusted and I can only imagine what CC did to it.

"CC... please tell me you're wearing pajamas... " I cover my eyes with my hand as I face the ceiling.

"May... be..." He says as though he's a little kid.

"God, CC..." The whole bus moans unanimously.

I just chuckle, face the wall of the bus, and try to find sleep.

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