Chapter 30

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(Andy's POV)

I want to strangle that God forsaken lawyer of his.

That line of questioning was practically illegal- scratch that, it was completely illegal! He can't do that to her!

Instead of killing that moron, Genevieve convinces me to let her drive to a "very special place." She won't tell me where though.

We pull in to a cemetery and park where we wouldn't be in anyone's way if someone else decided to come and visit their loved ones. Genevieve gets out, and I follow her to an almost abandoned part of a cemetery.

Why are we here?

Genevieve finds the grave she's looking for as she starts to pull up the weeds and vines circled around the headstone. I help her, but as soon as we uncover the name, she stops pulling and starts crying.

I understand everything now. Everything makes perfect sense.

The headstone reads, "Kennedy Rachelle Hopkins. Beloved wife and mother of two."

"Hey, Mom. It's me, Genevieve..." Tears roll down her cheeks, and I take one of her hands. "I kn- know I p-promised that I'd come visit every week, but... things have changed since you've left. Charles is... he's turned bad, Mommy. I... I really need you here."

I pull her in for a hug, and she continues talking. "I brought someone here to meet you, ... in a way. This is my boyfriend, Andy. You know, from my favorite band, Black Veil Brides?"

She sits still as the wind blows through her hair. "Ah. She likes you, Andy." Genevieve starts to laugh.

"Really?" I ask. Was Genevieve a medium?

"Yeah, she told me."

"Genevieve, are you... are you a medium?"

"You're gonna think I'm weird, aren't you?" She sighs.

"No, no, no. Of course not. I think that's amazing!"

"Just... just don't tell anyone, okay? I really don't wanna do readings and the like for everyone."

"Of course, babe." I smile at her.

"Mom thinks you're cute." She giggles.

"Oh." I blush. "Thanks?"

"Here," she gestures for my hand. "Lemme try something."

I give her my hand, and she closes her eyes to focus. Focus on what, I don't know.

All of a sudden, everything gives off vibrations. Everything starts to buzz, and I see shapes and blobs. Those blobs turn into shapes, and those shapes take the form of people.

Genevieve let go of my hand and turned to the closest person sitting across from her. It must be her mother.

"Hello, Andy. I am Kennedy, Genevieve's mother." She offers her hand for me to shake. When I do, it feels real. Her hand actually feels like an actual person's hand instead of just slipping through like I thought.

"H- Hello, Mrs. Hopkins," I nervously stutter.

"Please call me Kennedy. I don't want to be associated with that monster even if I'm dead." She laughs, but Genevieve cringes. "Sorry, honey. If only I'd listened, everything would have been okay."

"Don't say that, Mom. You didn't know," Genevieve whispers.

"You did. You had a premonition. I ignored it, and I did what I wanted instead of staying with you guys."

"Mom. Stop. It's not your fault."

"Thanks, sweetheart. Now, what's going on?"

"I'm actually on a recess from court."

"What did you do?"

"Me? Nothing. Charles? Everything."

"What do you mean?"

"Mommy," she begins crying again. "He's hurt Annabelle and I in so many ways. He's raped me multiple times since you've died, and I made a deal with him that he could do what ever he wanted to me as long as he didn't touch Annabelle."

"Jesus! That sorry son of a gun! I ought to kill him for what he's done to my girls... How did you get out?"

"When Black Veil Brides came to town, Michelle got me a ticket and Anna got herself one. We both had backstage passes to meet the band."

"She explained in brief detail what had happened as we asked questions when Anna had come in with gashes on her face from being beaten by that monster. So, the guys and I decided that the best option was to have them come with us," I help explain as Genevieve starts sobbing. I pull her into my lap and rub her back.

"You made the right choice, Andy. And... uhm... Thank you... for taking care of my girls when I couldn't."

"It's my pleasure, ma'am."

"But you guys are seriously too cute. I'm glad you guys met."

"Thank you."

"No problem, Andy."

"So, Mom," Genevieve says as she tries to control her sadness, "will you come to the trial? I know it takes a lot of energy, but it starts in 20 minutes. So, we can drive back and you can meet us there if you want?"

"Of course I'll be there, sweetheart! You didn't even have to ask." Kennedy strokes Genevieve's hair.

"Thank you, Mom."

"It's not a problem at all, sweetie. I'll be there. You guys better go or you won't make it back in time."

"Okay. We'll see you there, Mom." Genevieve smiles. "I love you."

"Had, have, and always will. I love you too, Genevieve."

"Had, have, and always will."

Genevieve takes my hand, and we walk to the car. I get in the driver's side only after opening Genevieve's door for her and helping her inside, put the key in the ignition, and drove around the corner. Then I thought about everything that just happened.

What in God's name just happened?

Sorry, I think its time to get sad all up in this story.

Yep, I think it has to happen real soon. This story is so long already, and I have so much stuff that I want to put in here!

I think that I might just end this story soon and have a sequel for this. That would be easier. So expect just 3 to four more chapters. I can't believe it's almost over...

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