Chapter 1

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Madden listened to the screams of her parents as they cursed each other out. She sighed before plugging her earphones and began to turn up her phone up to max volume to drown them out.

"No! Fuck you, Gerald!"

"Look Stacy I'm sorry.."

Father must've cheated again, A bitter voice said in her mind. She sighed and leaned her head back until her head rested against the headboard of her bed. Her navy-colored blankets curled around her in a nest shape.


I don't feel like being a peacemaker.

"Aaaand I'm gone." She said, throwing her phone onto her bed, ripping out her earbuds. She walked to her bedside and grabbed her wallet and keys, forgetting her phone. She looked up at herself in her small mirror. All she was wearing was a three-finger width tank top and some skinny jeans.

She grabbed a jacket before walking to her window and slipping it open, she then crawled onto the roof, thankfully the garage was right next to her bedroom so she jumped to it without risking her life. She walked to the large pipe that ran off the side of the garage and wiggled down it.

Madden hummed as she punched in the numbers on the keypad then she stepped back to watch it slide open. The gears churning louder than ever.


Aw man gotta go now.

She quickly grabbed her plain black helmet then got onto her motorcycle. She drove out of the driveway as quickly as she could. Her mother came outside just as Madden pulled out of the driveway. She cursed her name before throwing a bottle at Madden's head.

Madden underestimated how her mother could throw, the bottle slammed into her head and shattered. The skin above her ear got scratched and started to bleed but her helmet took most of the damage. "Ow! Ow!"

She didn't stop driving and didn't look back. She could feel the warm maroon began to cover her ear.

"Why did I leave my phone?" She grumbled to herself before she began to question just where was she driving.

Jimbo's house

He was one of her best friends besides Toby. Jim and his mom provided her sanctuary when her parents had their ugly fights, heck he even gave her a key so she could come in anytime. Though, he got his lock changed. He never answered calls, one night Madden got his favorite food for them and went over to see if she could make up whatever she had done to make him ghost her. She called him once then twice. All she got was a text saying "Sorry! I am overwhelmed, maybe later!"

But there was never a later, even his crush Claire Nunez started to talk to Jim and Toby but their conversations always excluded Madden. It was like she was gone.

By the time she pulled into Jim's driveway, her ear was going to be scarred. The blood dripped off the side of her head.

Madden got off of her motorcycle then walked to the front door, all the lights were off, and when she knocked no one answered. Jim's mom's car wasn't in the driveway so she was probably at work but what could Jim be doing?

Madden needed medical attention and she was tired of Jim and Toby replacing her with Claire all these weeks! She stomped off of the steps and got onto her motorcycle and revved it to life.

She'd just need to find somewhere else to camp for the night.

Madden pulled out of the driveway and drove down the street to the right. The left was where her parents' house was. She pressed on the gas pedal and the motorcycle surpassed all of the parked cars, no one was alive at this time of night.

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