Chapter six

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After school, Madden went and picked up her motorcycle with Jim and the others. Dan clapped her shoulder "Glad your back kiddo" Before he let them go. Madden let Claire ride with her while Jim and Toby rode on his built Vespa. Apparently, she has missed out on a bunch

Jim took the lead while Madden stayed silent, not too happy with Claire. She only gave her a ride so she could scare her with the bumps and the way her motorcycle shook when Madden drove too fast.

"Why does it bump like that?" She asked nervously, Madden couldn't suppress her grin then pressed harder on the gas causing it to rev furiously. Claire yelped and clung onto Madden harder on her sore muscles.

Jim's Vespa rushed ahead, and she followed it quickly, leading her to the...


Madden paused as they pulled over to a little gap in the wall. Her foot rested on the ground to balance herself while she watched Jim get a glowing orange thingamabob that resembled a candlestick out of his bag. "What the hell?" She spoke

Madden stayed on her motorcycle as she watched the Claire and Toby watch Jim. It only weirded her out further when a semicircle was made on the wall, and it stayed... Well, it stayed until Toby put his hand on it then it all flew away and broke off into stone pieces. 

She couldn't even curse, I mean she was surprised at first but then she recalled the wolf-guy at the Devil Tracks. So, if Werewolves are real... What else could be?

"Come on." Jim said glumly, he gestured for her to follow him, and she hesitantly did so. "What is this place?"

"Only the best place on planet earth!" Toby said excited as if he hadn't been ignoring Madden for these past weeks. "Trollmarket!" 

Her eyes widened "Like troll trolls?" She demanded, her hands flailing about. Jim looked behind at Toby "Tobes, I told you not to ruin the surprise!" He scolded playfully. Madden looked at Claire for confirmation and she nodded with a small nervous smile. 

"Well... The guy at the train tracks was wolf... somehow, so why not..." Madden shrugged her shoulders as she followed them. Where these the type of trolls who ate people? She then scolded herself, then why would Jim hang out with them?

Why wouldn't he include you in this? A voice snapped in the back of her mind

"Why..." She trailed off and looked away. Jim noticed her glum expression and sighed "I did it to protect you," She whirled around to face him with fury in her brown eyes. "Then why did you include Claire and Toby?" 

Claire looked at the ground and Toby looked at the ceiling. Jim made a gesture for them to go ahead, Claire had to drag Toby who whined like his usual baby self.  

Madden felt betrayed and hurt, bullshit he was trying to protect her. He only hurt her instead! "Madden..." Wow did she really suit her nickname right now because she was furious! "Claire's brother got taken to the dark lands, and she wouldn't stop prying in, so we had to. Toby, well... We faced Bular together."

"Bu who?" She asked with sass and venom lacing her tone

"Bular, Gunmar's son." Jim stated in a short and brisk sentence, "Plus I felt guilty for putting all this onto you with your parents at all..." He added softly

Madden only softened a little bit; she was still frustrated but now she at least understood why he did what he did. Still, that didn't close her open wounds. "Whose Gunmar?" She asked curiously, all these foreign terms floating around in her head. 

"Basically, this evil troll who is like the baddest of them all-" Jim then added "But he's in the Darklands now, which is basically an alternate dimension that can only be reached by a bridge which we have all the pieces of and blah blah blah."

All the foreign things filled her mind, she was so confused. She tried to grasp all of it but her train of process was broken when a blue troll with fucking reindeer horns came up the crystal stairs "Trollhunter, is everything alright?" He asked

"WHAT. THE. FUCK!" Madden screamed, she expected trolls but at the same time wasn't. Especially for one to come right into her and Jim's meaningful conversation. She stopped screaming and just stared at the troll.

"Come on, we can finish this later. Right now we have to figure out what happened at the Devil tracks."

As soon as he grabbed her arm, she suddenly passed out as a flare of heat went into her body.

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