Chapter Seven

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Madden woke up in a surprisingly comfortable bed of moss in a dark room. She perked up as unfamiliar voices came from outside the door which was a solid 7 feet from her, she was surprised she could hear it.

"She will be quite safe here Master Jim." 

"She's already been missing once!" 

"She can't return home, one the one who marked her will be after her and two she is shifting." 

Whom she supposed was Master Jim sighed angrily


 "This is all my fault..." Jim said, his head in his hands as he sat down on a wooden chair. He honestly just felt like screaming and crying, everything was his fault. It was all his fault. That's all that ran through his frantic mind. 

"Master Jim!" Blinky said in a scolding tone, "It is not your fault!" He added as he laid one of his six arms on his shoulder. "It will be alright..."

"I mean there has to be a cure for werewolveness right?" Toby asked, he was just as frustrated. If they had all been honest with Madden from the start, this would have never happened! Claire stood to the side, shadow staff in hand as she paced back and forth. 

"I'm afraid none has been found." Blinky murmured sorrowfully, werewolves were always unstable which as why they locked her in a room when Madden had shifted.


Madden got out of the moss bed and headed over towards the door, she barely even noticed she was walking on all fours. She realized she couldn't reach the door handle. Madden frowned as she looked around, maybe the door was just freakishly huge. She walked past a puddle that was made from dripping water from the ceiling. 

Madden saw something out of the corner of her eye, her ear twitched. Wait, it twitched? She backed up so she could see her reflection is the puddle. 

Staring back at her, a wolf with a copper red head stared back at her. It's yellow eyes boring into her soul, streaks of silver and grey ran through the she-wolf's fur. She was majestic, Madden never seen a wolf before so up close. Madden's paws reached the edge of the pond which revealed that the she-wolf had dark paws. 

It took a second but then it clicked....

Madden was the she-wolf.

She let out a gasp, backing up frantically. Her paws skidded and splashed into the puddle as her distress increased. It seemed like gunshots to her impeccable ears that could almost hear anything, including the conversations outside the door. Madden's breathing became hasty and erratic. 

Madden craned her head backwards as far as it would as she examined her clean fur. Her bushy tail swayed from side to side nervously. 

What is happening? Madden thought fearfully, she ran at the door and bonked her head into it. Why was she acting so weird? She jumped to her hindlegs and placed her front paws on the door. 


Madden's cry of help came out as a bark, this caused her distress to increase. She fell back to all fours as she began to pace back and forth. Why is this happening?  She let out barks of distress while her brain screamed at her to get out. 


Jim looked up from his hands to the door that separated them from Madden, rustling and running was heard from inside. "She awake." ARRRGH said, pointing his giant stone finger to the locked door. 

"Yeah, we know." Jim snapped, ARRRGH said sorry and backed away. "Should we open?" Claire asked and Blinky hastily shook his head "Nonononono, at this moment of time she is most likely have shifted and is dangerous." 

"So what do we do?" Toby asked when a bark rang out from inside, "We wait." Blinky said ever so calmly. "For how long?" 

"Oh, the quickest is about 25 hours." 

"25 HOURS?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2022 ⏰

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