Number 5

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Rebekah's Pov

Next day I was awoken by Draco and he was staring blankly at me. "By merlins beard, what are you doing?" I said half jumping. "Sorry to frighten you darling, I was lost by your beauty sleep." He smirked.

"Huh, alright. Now can you go away so I can dress up cause class starts in 10 minutes?!" I say. "Alright, see you in class." He pinches my cheek lightly and leaves.

I touched my cheek. "Ridiculous." I smile and get ready.

*In class*

"And as for today...-" I came running in. "Sorry for being late!" I say going to my desk next to Pansy. "It's alright miss Riddle, we just started." said professor Lupin.

"Hey morning!" smiled Pansy. "Morning!" I smile. "What page are we on today?" I ask her. "209." said Draco. I turn to him. "Thank you.... Pansy." I say and he smiles. "Anytime." he mimicked her voice. I laughed.

"Miss Riddle is there something funny?" asked professor Lupin.
"No professor sorry." I smile and get back to my book. I felt a tap in my shoulder and see Draco hand me a piece of paper.

I took it and read it. "Meet me at the Astronomy Tower tonight at 8pm, I want to speak with you.💕"

Love Draco Malfoy.

I turned and smiled nodding at him.

Then the class just continued on boringly.


Me and Pansy were walking on the hallway during free period. "Since tomorrow is saturday I was thinking maybe we can go to Hogsmade, just the two of us we could by some new clothes. I saw that they were selling new jumpers and winter is arriving soon, so it would be perfect. What do you think?" she said but I was still thinking about the letter Draco gave me.

"Hello, earth to Bekahh!!" she said snapping her fingers. "What?" I came back from my thoughts. "I was saying maybe we could go to Hogsmade tomorrow since it's staturday!?" she said. "Yeah, sure sounds great!" I smile.

"What were you thinking right now that got you so lost?" she asked. "I was thinking of Draco. He gave me a letter saying to meet at the Astronomy Tower tonight at 8." I say and she gasps.

"Omg it's a DATE." she said. "No, he just told me he wanted to talk about something." I say. "Hello, he probably wants to ask you to he his girlfriend. Merlin this is amazing, c'mon it's only 6:30, we have at least two hours to get you ready. C'mon!!" she said dragging me into my dorm.

I groaned laughing.


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