Number 7

225 4 0

Rebekah's Pov

"Wake up luv..." I hear a husky voice call to me. I groaned and turned my back to sleep more. Then I felt cold hands on my shoulder which made me shiver and woke me up.

I turn around to see a smiling Draco. "Babe? What are you doing here?" I say rubbing my eyes.
"I came to wake you cause I have Quidditch right now and I want my girlfriend to be present watching her handsome boyfriend win." he smiled.

I chuckle yawning. "Okay fine, just give me some minutes till I change." I say kissing him and getting up.

After I changed I see him waiting by the bed.
"Let's go?" I say and he helds his hand and I take it then we exited the dorm.


"Best of luck babe." I say kissing him. "I will need that luck from my love." he smiled kissing my forehead and leaving with the rest of the team.

Then I join Pansy with the rest of the crowd to see the game.


Everyone is cheering loudly so is Pansy and I can see very clearly she is looking at Blaise while I see that Draco is getting closer to the golden snitch.

"Come on you can do it... GO DRACO WHOOOO." I clap hard and he smiles at me. Then Potter comes behind him trying to get the snitch and distracting Draco.

"Ughh Potter is always trying to ruin things." I roll my eyes and Pansy nods. Then Potter pushes Draco out of the way which made him lose control of his broom and he falls down.

"DRACO..." I screamed as I see Draco fall into the ground. I ran down the stairs and kneel next to him.

"Draco hey, baby, babe, can you hear me?" I say bringing him to my lap. "Come on babe wake up." I say patting his face a bit trying to get him to wake up but it was no use.

"Can someone help me take him to the hospital wing?" I sniffled and Blaise came to me helping me pick up Draco to his feet and us taking him to the hospital wing.

As we were walking I turn to Potter with a deathly glare. "Your gonna pay for this scarhead, as soon as he gets better I will come to you and clear some senses." I spat and he gulps hard, then I continue walking.


"He will be alright don't worry." she smiles. "When will he wake up?" I ask her as I hold Dracos hand. "Soon enough but he needs rest."she says and I smile nodding.

"You scared me there for a moment, I love you." I sigh kissing his hand while holding it. Then he moves. "Babe?" I say and slowly he wakes up.

"Darling, what's wrong,did you cry?" he asked groaning. "No, it's just you fell when playing and I got a bit scared." I say. "Don't worry I'm fine luv, just some bruises." he smiled.

"Still, I freaked out when I saw you unconscious in my lap, I even threatened Potter and warned him what's gonna happen if he does that again." I say and he chuckles.

"There's my fierce and badass girlfriend that I fell for." he said and I smiled. "Now get some rest, while I deal with scarhead." I say getting up and kissing his forehead.

"Am I gonna see Potter in the hospital wing?" he asks. "Probably, but I hope I don't go to far." I smile as he laughs then I leave the wing.


"POTTER!" I yell as I enter the great hall. I see him and his friends sat down so I walk over to them, rage being within me.

"Rebe-" said Hermione but I cut her off, "shut it gingerhead, I'm here for scarhead not you." I say turning to Potter.

"Now, as I walked here I kept thinking and thinking about the words I'd say and the control I'd keep from taking you to the hospital wing as well. Maybe some bruises, broken bones maybe even dead." I laugh.

"But then I thought where is the fun in that, maybe it's better if I gave you a lesson so you can learn to NEVER HURT DRACO AGAIN." I yell as I get close to his face.

"I want to hurt you Potter, but I guess maybe another day, but, if you hurt Draco again or talk something bad about him, you watch your back because your little friends or professors won't protect you, okay." I pat his back that made him fall.

"That goes for you two as well, gingers!" I spat and walk away.


Then I went back to the wing to see Draco asleep,
I try not to wake him up as I hold his hand and sleep next to him.


 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗗𝗔𝗥𝗞 𝗟𝗢𝗥𝗗𝗦 𝗗𝗔𝗨𝗚𝗛𝗧𝗘𝗥, 𝘥𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘰 𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘧𝘰𝘺Where stories live. Discover now