15- Starry Night

375 17 11

Adrien's POV

Marinette's been quiet since we've gotten off the Ferris wheel, a whole hour later. The carnival had to call extra security just to get those fans away. Thanks to my title, they've closed the carnival for just the four of us. Nino and Alya are playing ring toss as Marinette and I wait for them over on the bench. I look over at her, frowning. I wonder what she wanted to say to me up there. It seemed important. What does she think I do? She swears she's not mad at me, but I can't help but feel like I did something wrong. She stares down at her hands, sighing, and I see a tear sneak down her cheek, and she quickly wipes it away. Maybe I can cheer her up.

"Alya and Nino are pretty competitive, huh?" I ask, gesturing over to the crazy couple. They're trying to beat each other on all the games. "Always outdoing the other."

A small laugh comes out of Marinette as she looks up and smiles. Well, it's a start. "Yeah, they are," She whispers, straightening her shoulders. Staring forward, her lips press into a thin line as she loses herself in thought. "I bet you miss Ladybug a lot, huh?" She asks out of nowhere.

I turn and stare at her with wide eyes. What's with all these random questions? Why does she keep asking me about Ladybug? "Umm... yeah. A lot, I guess. Why do you ask?"

Marinette shrugs. "I miss her, too. And you know who else I miss? Cat Noir."

Speechless, my cheeks burn red as I watch her, careful what to say next. Marinette misses Cat Noir? I know she was in love with him at one point, but I never knew he had that much of an impact on her. "You miss... Cat Noir?"

She nods, sighing. "Yeah, honestly." Her eyes widen and she backtracks, saying, "I-I mean, I don't know him that well, and we don't hang out like you and Ladybug did, but... I still miss him."

Maybe Cat Noir can cheer Marinette up. That's it! Later, I'll transform and go see her as my alter ego. That has to make her feel better; that has to work.

"You must think I'm weird, right?" Marinette asks, knocking her shoulder into mine as she laughs. "For missing someone I don't even know?"

"No," I say, shaking my head. "I don't think so. It's sweet. I'm sure Cat Noir would appreciate it."

Her smiles grows even wider. "Yeah... I'm sure he would."

Before I can say anything else, Nino and Alya come running over, arms filled with gifts and prizes. "The carnival's closing. We gotta go." Alya hands us a stick of cotton candy. "Here. It was the last one. I thought you two could share it."

"Thanks, Alya," Marinette whispers before ripping a piece off. We stand up and start leaving the park. She hugs her arms to her chest as a breeze washes over us. "Man, it's so cold out here."

"Here. Take my jacket." Before she can protest, I shake off my jacket and wrap it around Marinette's shoulders.

She smiles. "Thanks, Adrien." She pushes her arms through the sleeves and smells them. "This still smells like vanilla and flour. Did you not wash this?"

My eyes widen. "Uh, no... I must have forgotten, too. Besides, I like the way it smells." I never noticed before, but Marinette always smells nice. Like a fresh baked sugar cookie.

Marinette starts laughing. "Oh, you're so cute." After buttoning up the jacket, she shoves her hands into the pockets, taking in a deep breath. "I had fun tonight, Adrien. Even though I was a crying baby all night. I'm sure today could have gone better for you."

"Nope. I had fun, too. It went exactly like it was supposed to." I look down at her. Wow, I never realized she was so short, too. Hmm, cute. "Actually, tonight's one of the best days I've ever had. I'm able to be myself around you, Marinette, and I'm grateful for that."

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