34- She Knows

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Marinette's POV

With tears in my eyes, I whisper, "Marinette sounds like a very lucky girl." No pun intended.

Cat Noir smiles and all the butterflies are back. "She is."

My earrings beep one last time. After this, my transformation falls and I'll reveal myself to Cat Noir. I don't think it'd be a bad thing, though. "I'm assuming you don't want to know how I am, right?" I ask, laughing. It'd blow his mind if he knew I was Marinette.

I'm not surprised when Cat Noir says no. Like he's said already, things have changed. "No. Not anymore. Not yet at least. Once Hawkmoth's defeated."

Cat Noir hasn't given up on me entirely. It gives me hope. I take in a deep breath and ready my yo-yo. "Right. Bug out, Kitty." His green eyes become a blur as I throw myself out of the alley, running against the wind and rain back to Master Fu.

I drop down behind a bush and detransform. I hide Tikki in my jacket to keep her dry from the rain. "I've never seen Cat Noir like that, Tikki."

Tikki grabs my hand and pulls me down into the subway, away from the tracks and everyone. "You have got some explaining to do, Marinette! Why is Cat Noir in love with you? Have you been spending time with him as yourself?"

"Well..." The stupid grin on my face gives it away. "I guess you can say Cat Noir and I have been secretly dating."

My kwami's eyes widen. "What? Marinette, you know the risks! Look what happened with Ladybug and Adrien!"

"I know, Tikki! But this time it's different." I turn from her and smile at the thought of the green-eyed superhero. I miss him. "I know better now. I won't mess up."

"Marinette, you don't even realize how serious this is." Tikki closes her eyes and sighs. "We need to bring the ladybug miraculous back to Master Fu. Now."

"You're right, Tikki." I motion for Tikki to hide in my jacket, since I'm not carrying my little purse around anymore. "We should take the subway since it's still raining. We'll get their faster." I step on an empty cart and look around. There's no one here. A little weird for such a busy city. I peek through the window at the other carts and notice those are empty, too.

Tikki peeks her head out. "What's the matter, Marinette?"

There's a weird knot in my stomach. I have to trust my gut. "There's not one person on this subway. Maybe we should walk instead." As I turn to leave, the doors automatically shut and lock. The lights flicker like crazy. I bang on the window. "Hey! Is someone there? I can't get the doors open!"

Tikki phases through the door and pops back out. "Someone's manipulated the locks, Marinette. I can't get it open."

No. This isn't happening. I grab my phone and dial Adrien, holding it against my ear with a shaky hand. He answer immediately. "Hey, Marinette. What's up?"

"I need you, Adrien. Are you close by?"

"What's going on?" His tone becomes serious. "Mari, where are you?"

I look around as the lights go crazy again. "I'm on the subway. It's stuck or something and the doors are locked. I can't get them open."

"I'm on my way. I'm actually close by." I listen as Adrien's breathing becomes heavy; he's running. "Don't hang up, okay?"

"Okay..." I try the door again, but it doesn't budge. "It's so weird. There's no one else on the subway-" A loud thud on the roof cuts me off.

"Marinette? Are you there?"

My breath catches in my throat and I step back from the door. "I just heard something, Adrien. It came from the roof- AHH!" The door connecting the two carts breaks off the hinges and flies into the wall behind me, breaking the railing above my head.

"MARINETTE!" Adrien screams into the phone. "What's going on?"

Hawkmoth stands in the empty doorway, swinging his cane in his hand. "Long time, no see, Marinette Dupain-Cheng."

"It's Hawkmoth," I whisper into the phone, trying to keep as much distance between us. "Adrien-"

Hawkmoth's cane comes flying at me and my phone falls out of my hand. The screen completely shatters. "No one's coming to save you, Marinette."

"Why are you here, Hawkmoth? I told you already I don't-"

"Have the ladybug miraculous?" He finishes, laughing. "Except you do. I've been keeping an eye on you, Miss Dupain-Cheng. You went to that old guardian and somehow convinced him to give it back. Stupid idea now, isn't it? Those earrings could fall into the wrong hands."

Reaching down, I grab the broken railing and hold it out like a sword in attempt to protect myself. Where's Adrien? "Don't come any closer! My friend's almost here. He knows you're here."

The grin on Hawkmoth's face sends chills through my bones. "Your friend won't get here in time." He lunges at me and I swing the railing, hitting him directly in the throat. I swing again and get his jaw this time. He falls to his knees, grabbing a seat for balance. I run past him through the empty door and try escaping in another cart. Ugh! No use. These doors are locked, too.

"Stupid girl! You have nowhere to run!" Hawkmoth takes a dangerous step towards me, aiming the front of his cane at me. "Give me the miraculous or I'll akumatize you and take them myself!"

"Never!" I lift the railing and steady myself. "I never give up!"

Hawkmoth grunts in frustration. "Look at yourself! Cornered up with nowhere to go, like a mouse."

My eyes widen. What?

"Yes, I know about that, too, Multimouse. You and Cat Noir aren't so private as you think, are you? You certainly weren't with Adrien."

I take a careful step back as Hawkmoth steps forward. "Where are you, Adrien...?" I mutter to myself, looking out through all the windows.

"No one's coming to save you! Don't you get that? You're all alone!" Hawkmoth raises his arms and gestures to the empty subway. "Your friends aren't here. Your superhero isn't here. You have no one."

Where is Adrien?

Hawkmoth extends his hand. "With me, I can give you everything. I can give you an endless amount of friends and support. You'll never be alone again, Marinette Dupain-Cheng."

Never be alone?

"Marinette!" Adrien's screams and pounding on the window catches my attention. I look over and see him standing outside the subway. "Don't worry! I'll get you out!"

A grin grows on my face. "See, Hawkmoth? I'm not alone! I'll never join your side!"

Hawkmoth raises his cane. "A big mistake."

The subway interior turns into an ashy black, the ceiling and walls slowly crumbling. The doors fade into dust and Adrien stands there with an arm extended. "Marinette! Grab my hand!"

Without a second thought, I jump and reach for his hand. His fingers wrap around mine, tight, and he pulls me out. I land on top of him as our foreheads crash together. The subway crumbles behind us unto black rubble, trapping and burying Hawkmoth.

I recognize this damage.

Only Cat Noir could do this.

Adrien helps me stand, keeping my hand in his. He shakes dirt out of my hair. As the pile starts moving with Hawkmoth's escape, he grabs my arm. "Mari, we gotta go!" He drags me out of the subway tunnel. The rain has let up and the sun beats down on my skin. I don't know where we're going. I let Adrien take me wherever he wants to go. We're at the cinema now, ducked out in an empty dark theater. An old movie plays on the screen. He finally hugs me. "Marinette, I'm so glad you're safe. Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

"Adrien..." My eyes glance down to the ring on his finger. I knew it always looked familiar. It all makes sense now. Everything does.

Adrien is Cat Noir.

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