25- I Spy

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Cat Noir's POV

I lay ducked down on top a nearby building, using the camera from my staff to watch Marinette down below. She's wearing a black dress now with a pink sweater, which she pulls tighter around herself. No distractions, Adrien. Marinette needs you now more than ever. I type in her number and call her.

Marinette takes her phone out. She smiles at her phone. "Well, good evening, Cat Noir. I'm not sure how you got my number or why yours is already programmed into my phone."

"Courtesy of that roommate of yours," I joke, leaning over the edge. I scan the crowd. No one's around yet. "How are you feeling, Marinette?"

She takes in a deep breath. "I've been better, that's for sure. Do you see anyone yet?"

"No, nobody for miles." I do one more scan before locking eyes on Marinette. "We should probably get off the phone before we spook this guy."

"Don't leave me," She whispers into the phone, voice shaking. "Please."

"I won't, Princess." I smile down at her despite the fact she can't see me. "I'm just a cat call away."

Marinette hangs up and puts her phone back in her purse. She hugs her chest as she walks to the Eiffel tower, stopping just right underneath it. I put the Bluetooth speaker from my staff in my ear and listen close. Unknown to Marinette, I snuck a microphone in her purse so I'd be able to hear everything.

"This plan better work, Adrien, or I'm gonna kill you," Marinette whispers to herself, sighing.

A man in a red cap starts walking up to Marinette. She turns at the last second and takes a step back from him. "So, it is you, Drew Deville."

"Surprised?" He asks with a grin, and it takes everything in me not to jump down there and slap it off his stupid face.

"Not really," Marinette snaps, shoving her hands in the pocket of her sweater. "I trust my gut on this kind of thing and I'm never wrong."

Drew starts looking around. "So, you really alone?"

"Do you see anyone?" She asks, annoyed. "I told you. I want this nightmare to be over. I'm done."

I press a button on my staff, alerting the police, and silently jump down, hiding in an alley. The police will be here in exactly two minutes. The microphone is also recording, so I just need that creep to admit to sending her the texts.

"You sent me those texts, those threats." Marinette starts, stepping closer. I prepped her on what to say to trap this guy. "You also snuck in my hospital room and left that friendly message on my mirror. Why?"

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you," Drew says, leaning down in Marinette's face. Not yet. The police aren't here yet. "I needed you scared of your own shadow, and for what I'm being paid, it's worth it. Besides, you deserve it after everything you've done, stupid bitch."

There's the proof.

Marinette laughs. "Excuse me? Everything I've done? You snuck into my tent and took pictures of me while I was changing! You deserved everything that happened to you. I just can't believe someone actually paid your bail."

"I should hit you," Drew mutters, raising an arm to her head. Eyes wide, I run over, ducking behind a bush, and I'm about to jump out when he lowers his fist. "But that's not what I'm here for. Come on, let's go."

"I'm not going anywhere with you, perv." Marinette pulls something out of her pocket. It's pepper spray. We never talked about that! "No way."

Drew's eyebrow raises. "We had a deal. Now come on." He grabs her wrist.

"Let go of me!" Marinette pepper sprays him in the eyes, lifting her arm up to shield her face from the backfire. He screams and falls to the ground, pawing at his face. Marinette pops her knee into his throat and kicks him on his back. "Touch me again and I'll blind you!"

Police sirens ring in the distance.

Rushing over, I jump between them and push Marinette back as Drew starts to stand. "Mari, pepper spray wasn't part of the plan!"

"Backup in case something happened, Cat Noir," She whispers, a sad frown on her face. "I just had to make sure I was safe."

"I knew it!" Drew shouts, laughing. I extend my staff, aimed at his throat and keep a safe distance between us. He climbs to his feet, rubbing his eyes. "You weren't alone. What's worse is you're working with this stupid cat."

Officer Roger and others come running over, guns raised. "Drew Deville! Arms in the air!"

"Officer, you got it all wrong," Drew starts pleading, whining. "This young woman right here attacked me! She pepper sprayed me! Look, she's still holding it!"

An officer comes over and puts Drew in handcuffs. "We know your Marinette's stalker, Deville,"

"You got the wrong guy! Honest!"

"Oh, really?" I ask, showing him the screen of my staff. "I was recording the whole time, creep. You confessed."

Mayor Bourgeois climbs out of a silver car and walks over, grabbing the color of Drew's shirt. "I wanna know who you're working for, Deville! Now! Who threatened my daughter?"

Drew just laughs. "I don't kiss and tell, officer."

"Take him away." Officer Roger faces Marinette and I. "Marinette, I am so sorry. I can't imagine all that you've been through. I swear, that guy is not going anywhere. I'll personally see it myself he doesn't make bail—again."

Marinette smiles. "Thank you, Officer Roger."

The cops leave and it's quiet again.

"So, it's finally over," I whisper, glancing over at Marinette. There's no expression on her face. She looks numb. "Mari? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm..." Marinette sighs. "I just can't believe it's over. After this past month of threats and texts, it's done. One nightmare is over, at least."

"Do you want me to take you home now?" I offer my hand and wait. "I know a shortcut. I hear there's traffic."

She giggles. "No, not yet. I mean, I'm sure Adrien would want to know what happened, but I'm feeling a little crowded in there. Let's get some fresh air." She grabs my hand and starts walking.

"Where do you wanna go?"

"Anywhere," Marinette says, shrugging. "I'm just glad I can finally breathe again."

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