Bonus Chapter

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Lila's POV

Sneaky and sly, just like a fox. They'll never see me coming or going. All gullible, standing clueless around me, not even aware of the terror I'm about to cause to this city. I watch carefully as Hawkmoth tries to convince Adrien to join his side, the losing side, and just like I predicted, Adrien refuses.

"We will never be a family," Adrien assures, standing up to his father. I used to love that about him, how bold he was, but those feelings have died ever since he chose Marinette over me. Me?

Adrien could have had diamonds and instead he chose coal.

Hawkmoth's angry. Yes, I need that. I need everyone distracted. "I knew it. I knew you were weak, Adrien, and your mother knew it, too. If you won't help me willingly, I'll force you!"

As he releases a new akuma, my transformation falls and a purple light encases me. I'm back in that retched ballgown. Marinette will pay for ruining everything, but for now I have to put the plan in motion. I start swaying, dizzy, and trip on my dress as I fall down, fainting. No one concerned for me? How rude. I stay still and quiet, holding my breath as I listen to the battle play out.

What? How does Marinette have those earrings again? Didn't Adrien throw them in the river? Of course. Those were fake. I should've known. I'll never let an Agreste double cross me again.

I peek an eye out and see Mister Bug now. Huh, Adrien with the ladybug miraculous. He swings that pathetic yo-yo and Mr. Agreste's butterfly broach flies off, landing right by my hand. This has to be fate. I inch my fingers around it, hiding it in my fist, and I keep a close hold on it.

Two down, one to go.

The cat miraculous sits safe in my necklace pendant, unbeknownst to its dreadful owner playing hero in front of me. I hear footsteps echo off the metal bridge. Police officers and firefighters. Good. They'll get me out of here and I can finish step two of my plan. I hold my breath again as someone picks me up and carries me out of the Agreste Mansion.

As the sun hits my skin, I work my perfect wake-in-a-daze routine and they quickly set me down when I start talking. "Mom... I need my mom."

"Ma'am, can you hear me?" A firefighter kneels down in front of me. "You don't look so good. We need to take you to the hospital."

"NO!" I jump to my feet and step back. No. He'll ruin my plans. He'll ruin everything! "I-I'm fine, really. I just need my mom."

"Miss, I'm sorry-"

I grab my phone and pretend to call my mom, forcing the waterworks. "Mommy, where are you? I need you... I'm at the Agreste Mansion... oh, it's horrible. Gabriel Agreste is Hawkmoth! What? You're on your way? Okay. Love ya." I turn towards the officer. "My mom will be here in five minutes. She'll take me."

"Alright." The firefighter sighs. "Can't argue with Mom. Just make sure to get checked out, okay?"

"Will do, sir. Thank you." I wave to the firefighter and tuck my phone away. That was a piece of cake. I jog up the staircase, about to sneak back in, when Officer Roger walks out with Mr. Agreste in handcuffs.

Gabriel's stare turns cold as we pass and he mutters, "You double crossed me."

"I know," I whisper, smirking, and wave as he's escorted into a car. "All part of the plan, Mr. Agreste." After the officers leave, I make my way through the foyer and back in his office. He was a fool to trust me, after all. He should've known.

Pushing back his wife's portrait, I dial the combination and open the safe. The peacock miraculous sits on the top shelf. What an idiot. "Perfect. Everything is going according to plan." I snatch it fast and close the safe, running down the front steps and leaving through the side, away from the crowd forming at the gate.

Far away now, I pull my phone back out and make a call. "It's done. If you're in, meet me in Cat's Alley, fast." I hang up and throw my phone. It breaks against the concrete, shattering, losing any trail to me.

After a few minutes I reach Cat's Alley, waiting by a green dumpster, impatient. Thunder screams above as rail falls, lightning striking across the dark sky. Footsteps splash in a puddle and I spin around, greeting the figure with a smile. "For a second there I was afraid you weren't going to show up."

Felix steps out the shadows. "We're in this til the end, right, Lila?"

"Til the end, Felix." I extend my hand and open my palm, revealing the peacock miraculous. "Ready to get some revenge, Monsieur Paon?"

"As always, Miss Farfalle." Felix takes the miraculous and pins it behind his tie. "It's time Adrien got what he deserved."

"Can I count on you?"

Felix smirks and says, "Absolutely."

"Good." I clip the butterfly miraculous in my hair, its camouflage turning into any ordinary hair clip. "Then let's get started."

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