24- Pawsitively Purrfect

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Adrien's POV

Marinette and I head downstairs. I want to make sure my father kept his word. We find him by the front doors. "Father?" He turns around, surprised. "Is it done? Is Felix gone?"

Father nods. "Yes, he is. Don't expect them back anytime soon. I heard some yelling. What was that about?"

Marinette and I share a look. I don't know how much she wants to reveal. Keeping Ladybug safe is our top priority right now.

Marinette steps forward, saying, "Felix was pretending to be Adrien and tried to kiss me again. Adrien walked in as he forced himself on me and what you heard was Adrien finally cutting ties with Felix. For good."

Father has a weird look on his face. He almost looks disgusted by the mention of my cousin, not that I blame him, though. "That's news to my ears. They are no longer welcomed here."

"Mr. Agreste?" Marinette sheepishly asks as my father slowly turns to face her. "Umm, thank you. For kicking Felix out. I didn't expect you to, and I know he's family-"

Father shakes his head. "As far as I'm concerned, that snake and his mother are dead to me. You're Adrien's guest. I have respect for my guests and his behavior was intolerable." He heads back to his office.

"Let's go finish that movie," I whisper to Marinette as I grab her hand and lead her upstairs. "You've gotten brave when talking to my father directly. Most of my friends are terrified of him."

"Your father did something nice for me, which is a complete shock." Marinette laughs and shakes her head. "He always has this cold demeanor, but I know deep down he's got a soft spot in his heart. Somewhere."

This time I laugh. "Yeah, my father's like that all the time. I've never seen him like this, until you came along." We walk back in Marinette's room and take our spots back on the couch. "Oh, it looks like you have a text."

Marinette grabs her phone, reading, and sighs. "It's from Nino. Apparently, Alya's still mad at me about what happened. I want to tell her everything, but she's ignoring my calls and texts." She sets her phone down, groaning. "I just wish this was all over."

"At least some good things have come out of this," I tell her, leaning back against the couch as Marinette looks over at me. "We're a lot closer than we were four months ago. We've become better friends, best friends, and I'm really grateful to have someone like you in my life."

"Yeah... I like that." Marinette smiles. "Plus, I've created two new designs, which I wouldn't have made if we weren't in this situation."

"That dress is beautiful, Mari," I whisper, glancing over at it. It warms my heart she found inspiration from Cat Noir. "You said two designs? Where's the second one?"

Marinette grins. "That's a surprise. When I'm finished, I want Cat Noir to be the first one to see it."

"Oh?" I ask, eyebrows raised. "Why Cat Noir?"

"It's a matching set," She says, getting excited as she raises her arms in the air. "It's sort of a thank you for all he's done for me. I want to create fashion lines for our Paris heroes: Ladybug and Cat Noir. Shirts, skirts, dresses, pants, hats, purses, anything and everything! Ladybug: Buggin' Out and Cat Noir: Pawsitively Purrfect."

I take in a deep breath as something flips in my stomach. I love a good pun.

Marinette stares at me. "Or is that dumb?"

"No! It's not dumb." I shake my head fast. "I think that's amazing! I can't believe you put so much thought into it."

"Oh, I have." She jumps up from the couch and returns with her sketchbook. "The past week, I've been sketching and coming up with styles, looks, designs, different ways we can honor Ladybug and Cat Noir." She sets the book on the coffee table and leans back. "You can look, if you want."

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