Chapter 1: In The Name Of A Father.

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Aurora's Point of View

I woke up and saw Luna about me, with her pink and blue lense glasses. I went wide-eyed and screamed, jumping up and running to the other side of the room. "Luna! Don't scare me like that!"

She smiled, "Aurora, you're head is full of rakspurt."

I shook my head, "Luna, just no. No." I got dressed and went downstairs to eat. I politely said no to my father's tea and had pancakes.

My father never was an amazing cook, and I fear for my sister and I, that he never will be...

Luna came down after me, and I had already finished eating. I went upstairs, got the things I needed for Hogwarts and packed it all, nicely in my trunk. This summer had been quite boring, for me. My father had not been able to afford the Quidditch World Cup tickets so, we had not been able to go.

My father doesn't buy the Daily Prophet so I have no idea who won... or if anything interesting happened... or what teams were playing... Yeah... Sad, isn't it? But that newspaper says bad things about my dad, and I have to support him, since Luna and I are all he has, now. He loses us; he loses everything.

My father, Luna and I flooed to Kings Cross Train Station and he gave us -rather long- hugs goodbye. We got on the train after giving our bags to the guards. I sat with Luna, having no friends but Helena, who was at Hogwarts. Luna is probably the cause of me having no social life but, she's my sister. No changing that.

People walked by, laughing as they glanced in and I looked to my right to see Luna with her lion head hat on. I shook my head, looked down and rubbed my temples with my fingers. She has to wear that now, I thought, out of all the times she can choose to put that on, she chooses now.

I noticed Hermione Granger, that Wealsey boy and Harry Potter walk by. I moved clser towards the window, sliding down the seat, and walked as Harry walked by, and sat in a compartment with his friends. He looked a bit more handsome then last year. His hair had grown out, he had gotten taller. Stuff like that. I smiled to myself, and looked away.

Luna looked at me, with a small gleam in her eyes, "Staring at Harry Potter again?" "No." She shrugged, "Okay, then. Well, if you were by any chance, I just want you to know, be cwreful. He's the "bad-boy" type." I shrugged, with a mischievous smirk, "I have no problem with that. The "bad-boy" type is a good look on him, even if I was staring." She smiled, "But you were-"

"No. No, I was not, Luna Cassiopeia Lovegood." She smiled, "If you say so, Aurora Cassthorpia Lovegood." I rolled my eyes, and she laughed to herself, going back to her reading, of the latest issue of The Quibbler. I looked out the window and noticed the train had started. Landscape, after landscape zoomed by, my eyes not really being able to focus on anything since the train was moving so fast. I thought about Hogwarts. The common room... Helena... The library... The talking pictures... The professors... Everything. It seemed like, during the summer I was having a mourning, depressing, nightmare then when Hogwarts started again I was awake and could how the world really was, outside of the awkward moments, my father and Luna turned on music and danced around the kitchen...

I decided to change into my Hogwarts robes, having nothing better to do. As I walked towards the girls changing rooms, I was stopped by a tall, bleache blond Slytherin, "Oh, look who it is. Loony Lovegood's little loser of a sister." I rolled my eyes and troed to push past them, "Please, move, Malfoy." He laughed, "Oh, yeah? What are you going to do about it, Lovegood? Tell you're crazy daddy, I was in your way." That did it. I glared at him, he laughed and I shot my knee up between his legs. He groaned in pain, fell over and I walked away.

I guess I failed to mention, I'm a Slytherin...

|At Hogwarts - Arrival of Beautbaton and Durmstrang|

We waited in the Great Hall, and Dumbledore came to the stand, "This year, we'll be having two guests join us, at our lovely, lovely, school, Hogwarts. First of the two, I'd give me great pleasure to welcome the lovely ladies of Beauxbaton's Academy of Magic, and their Headmistress Madam Maxine."

The doors opened and about thirty girls came through, dressed in blue uniforms. They did their little presentation while a huge, lady, that appeared to be their Headmistress walked in. She looked lkke she was wearing a very un-flattering, skin tight, purple, leopard skin, dress, with gray feathers at the neck-line and red lipstick. Wow...

I noticed every boy in the hall, had their attention on these "bikini-ready" girls, and all the girls looked confused. I noticed Harry's friend Ron staring at their butts and smiling. I shook my head, noticing Harry's confused face, At least Harry has class...

When their performance was done, Dumbledore kissed the Headmistress' hand and went back to the podium, "Lovely laides, now second let me introduce our second guests. From the Academy of Durmstrang and their Headmaster, Igor Karkoruff."

The doors opened again and this time boys came in, all wearing dark colors instead of the prissy, princess, blue color. Their Headmaster wore a large furry coat, boot, and a fuzzy hat, along with Viktor Krum by his side, wearing similar clothing.

Dumbledore and the Headmaster hugged and then Dumbledore nodded at us, "We didn't prepare a performance but how about we entertain our guests the best way we can. Stand." We all stood up, and words appeared above Dumbledore. He pointed toeat word as we sang;

"Hogwarts hogwarts, hoggy, warty Hogwarts,

Teach us something please,

Whether we be old or bald,

Or young with scabby knees,

Our heads could do with filling,

With some interesting stuff,

For noe they're bare and full of air,

Dead flies and bits of fluff,

So teach us things worth knowing,

Bring back what we've forgot, Just do you're best, we'll do the rest,

And learn until our brains all rot."

The whole Slytherin table, exchanged confused looks, that said, That was stupid. When the song was done we looked to Dumbledore and the Durmstrang students sat at this table, Beauxbaton sitting with Ravenclaw. I ate quietly, and heard Malfoy talking to a Beauxbaton.

"Malvoy, who is vat?" A rather handsome boy, pointed right at me and noticing my loneliness. Malfoy shook his head, "Aurora Lovegood. Don't bother. Her family's full of crazy people. You get involved with her and you'll never get out of her prison. Not to mention her father. He runs a paper, called The Quibbler. It's full of these made of creatures, that they believe in."

The boy gave me a look of pity, and I pretended not to see them, not looking up once from my food. The boy looked back to Malfoy, "How'd do you know her family is crazy?" His voice voice, made it seem like he was going to... defend me? But of course right then Malfoy smirked and pointed, "Here she is."

Luna sat next to me, with a huge peacock feather hat, "Hello, Aurora." I smiled sadly, looking up, "Hi, Lu." She handed me a necklace, "Dad sent this to me. You forgot it at home. He wants to make sure you keep away the nargles." I nodded, with a sigh, "Thanks..."

Yeah, Luna. I "forgot" it. It's not like my father reminded me twenty million times, this morning, alone, "Luna, why didn't he just send it to me? It's my necklace." She nodded, her head, "He told me in a letter, you'd only wear if I asked." I rose an eyebrow, "And what makes you say that?"

"Because you give in to your loving sister's big, blue eyes." I shook my head and looked away, "No." She made her eyes bigger out of the corner of my eyes and I shook my head again, "No, Lulu." That was my nickname for her. She laid her cheek on my shoulder and I sighed, "Fine..." She smiled and hugged me, walking away, back tothe Ravenclaw table.

Malfoy nodded, "See?"

The boy looked me in the eye, sadly and looked away. Glad there's some nice people left in the world.

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