Chapter 29: Reasons

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Aurora's POV

Finally out of the hospital. Yes! Madam Pomfrey is not exactly a "fun" person and after being in that godforsaken hospital for almost three weeks.. you become quite bored. I sat at the Gryffindor table with Harry, Hermione and Ron, Harry's arm lightly setting around me. We had sufficient, yet awkward conversation going. Harry asked, "So who was that guy you were talking to in the Hospital Wing yesterday?"

I shrugged, "A new student. His name is Asterion. Snape's making me be, " I made quotes with my fingers, " his "tour-guide and student assistance."" Harry chuckled, "Snape? He's probably just trying to get you on a date with him." I laughed, nodding sarcastically, "Is he?" Harry nodded, pulling off as serious face even though I could see the urge to laugh in his eyes, "Yes. And he's planning your wedding with the guy as we speak." I rolled my eyes, muttering, "I'll keep that in mind, Potter."

Harry rose an eyebrow, taking a sip of his pumpkin juice and swallowing. I nudged him slightly, making him laugh and kiss me on the cheek. Ron stared at us in a bit of disgust, "Okay, lovebirds, anyways.... Tell me how I broke up with Lavender again...?"

Harry and I immediately looked to Hermione, a teasing smirk on my lips, Hermione just simply answering, "Well... ugh... she came to visit you i the hospital and you-... talked." Ron sighed, "I'm glad and all that we're not together anymore... but she looks a bit... put out." We turned and saw Lavender looking at us angrily, digging the end of her spoon into the wooden table below her. We turned back to the table, Hermione muttering, 'Yes, she does, doesn't she."

Ron looked past Harry and I, his eyes locking with Lavender's. I suddenly felt something cold drop in my hair, looking up and seeing white fluffy snowflakes falling from the ceiling. Hermione nudged Ron, obviously, annoyed, "Stop it Ron. You're making it snow." Ron looked away, his eyes immediately down at the table. Harry brushed the snow off of his book, setting it under his plate and resting his elbows on the table. Hermione gave Harry and I a look, quietly asking, "So.. um... Ron? What do you remember?"

Ron looked up from the table, "Well... there is something... But it can't be. I was totally boggled, wasn't I?" Hermione nodded, "Yeah... Boggled..."

They're such an adorable couple.... If only they knew they that.... It was quiet again, Hermione suddenly touching Harry's hand to get his attention, "Harry." He looked up, Hermione nodding her head towards the side, "That's Katie."

Harry and I both looked up, seeing Katie talking with some of her friends. Harry looked to me, as if he was asking for permission to leave me with Hermione and Ron ,while they have arguments, at least, five out of the seven days a week. Yet... why, I said, "go ahead," I'll never know... Harry got up, walking to Katie and talking with her. I looked to Hermione, speaking for the first time throughout the Lavender Brown conversation, "Hermione?" She nodded, "Hmm?" I hesitated, asking, "Do you believe.... Draco really cursed Katie?" She sighed, whispering in a quiet voice, "I'm not really sure. It doesn't seem like Draco would do such a thing. I mean.. that's low, even for Draco but... "

I nodded, understanding what she meant. I glanced at Harry, realizing him looking somewhere, Katie's eyes in the same direction. I looked to where they were looking and  saw Draco rushing out of the Great Hall. Oh, no.. Harry followed, just like I expected he would. "Hermione, I'll be back."

She nodded as I got up and calmly followed Harry out of the Great Hall. In reality I felt like panicking. Like I knew, things could go badly. but if I acted like I was in a hurry, people would notice and I would get Harry, Draco and I in trouble. And that would probably be the last thing I need.

I saw harry turn a corner, going down another corridor and disappearing from sight.

I followed, turning down the corridor and looking for any sight of Harry. I saw a streak of dark hair turn another corridor and it disappeared. Since nobody was in sight I started picking up my pace, my feet making light sound under my shoes. I turned down another corridor, looking around for Harry, who I had lost in a matter of seconds. Where could he of gone?

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