Chapter 30: Breaking In ~ Part I

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Aurora's POV

"Hey! Lovegood!" I turned around and saw Pansy Parkinson running towards me. I rolled my eyes, turning and continuing on my own way, "Go away, Pansy. I'm not going to bother with you today." She laughed, making a smirk, "Well, I'm not leaving you alone and we're going the same place, anyway." I rose an eyebrow, "How do you know where I'm going? Stalking me, are you, Parkinson?" She rolled her eyes, muttering, "I know you're going to see my Drakie. Who doesn't?"

I rolled my eyes, simply saying, "Snape asked me to bring Draco his work. And if he's 'you're Drakie,' then I guess he's taken." I couldn't help but mentally laugh. She made a fake laugh, teasing, "Oh, come on, Lovegood. We all know you and Potter broke up and you cry, like the little baby Gryffinwhore you are." I stopped walking, turning around and raising an eyebrow. Pansy stopped in front of me, taking my silence as permission to continue.

"How did it go? 'Aurora, I finally realize how much of a slut you truly are, I'm breaking up with you and going to find a real girl that doesn't steal boyfriends?' We all know you fancy Draco. While you were dating Harry." I said nothing, simply turning around and continuing on my way to the Hospital Wing. Why I'm even going, I don't know... It's just going to get a rise out of her..

"He said that, didn't he? He said that he was just pretending to love you and pretending like he couldn't see, you were snogging the life out if my poor Drakie-poo. Huh? Answer me Gryffinwhore!" I continued walking, tears forming in my eyes and my steps becoming faster. "Come on! Everyone knows the truth, but it looks to me you've just been feeding yourself your own lies. Answer me!"

Remaining quiet, I walked into the Hospital Wing, walking to Draco's bed and setting his books on the end. Pansy immediately ran to Draco, hugging him.

"Drakie! I've missed you so much! How much love potion gas the Gryffinwhore given you?" Draco pushed her away, glancing at me. I averted my eyes to the floor, hiding the wet, glossy tears that had now formed over my eyes.

Pansy tried again, hugging his weak body, "Draco, I'm so glad you're alright. What happened? Lovegood was walking around, covered in your blood! How hard did she stab you?!" Finally having enough, I sat down at the chair next to Draco's bed, simply beginning, "So, in Transfiguration, we have-"

Draco's attention was completely averting Pansy, but suddenly, Pansy was off on another blaming-Gryffinwhore-spree, "Draco, answer me. How much of her vicious love potion has she given you-"

Draco cut her off, his eyes full of hate, startling both Pansy and I, "Pansy, just stop!" The two of us stared at Draco, both surprised and startled. Draco continued, "Aurora, is not to blame here. She never gave me a love potion, she's not doing any type of curse or charm on me and the only one under a spell here, is you, under your own ignorance draft. You gossip and spread everything that isn't the truth, and when you truly want to know the truth, you're too selfish and arrogant to ask."

Pansy looked hurt, her voice small as she muttered, "But, Drakie-poo-" she cut herself off, her face going from hurt to furious, "It's her fault! Everything that's happened between us, is this stupid bitch's fault! If she had never gotten her big nose into our business we would be the best couple at Hogwarts! You know that!-"

"Pansy, there never would of been an 'us.' I've told you that countless times and yet, you still persist that there could've been." Pansy froze still, her eyes immediately going to me, anger and hatred burning like the killing curse inside, "No wonder Potter broke up with you. You're a bitch that ruins everything!" With that Pansy ran out, leaving Draco shocked, his eyes looking to me wide, "What?"

I hadn't told Draco Harry and I broke up.

And close to no one knew, only rumors being thrown from person to person at this school, so, it was easy to make a lie and simply say, "This is Pansy Parkinson; she would say that." Draco nodded, simply sighing and listening as I listed off the stuff he would need to do in our classes.

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