Chapter 12: The Clock Tower

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Aurora's POV

Umbridge is awful. I just came out of her stupid class and I knew she was going to be a difficult teacher. She gave us a bogus text book that had no defensive spells in it and she accused Harry of lying when he said Cedric Diggory's death was murder, whereas she said it was a "tragic accident." Hermione and I decided that when class was over I would go looking for him.

I went to the Black Lake first, but found no sight of Harry. Then I decided to check the Owlery. Still no sign of him. How can I lose Harry Potter, he's the flippin chosen one? I thought, frustrated with myself.

By the time the sun had almost set, I had checked almost everything. I stopped a moment, counting off on my fingers, "I checked the Black Lake, the Owlery, the Gryffindor common room, the Great Hall, Hagrid's place, the forest... What am I forgetting?" I know he wouldn't be at the Ravenclaw tower, talking to Helena, almost nobody goes to see her.

I sighed, deciding to lastly check the Clock Tower. Who knows where he could be and as of the moment, I was desperate. I'm not looking for him as a crazy fangirl that doesn't want to lose him; I'm looking for him as the friend that doesn't want him to be alone, while Voldemort is amuck going through every possible mean to find the boy.

Just my luck, Harry stood in front of the huge clock, watching outside. I was a bit cautious walking to him, knowing he hadn't really been in a good mode lately. I stood next to Harry, staying quiet for his sake, saving him from the lecture of what he should be doing opposed to what he is doing.

"Hey, Aurora." I smiled, "Hey."

"What are you doing here? I thought you'd be at the party in the Slytherin common room." Slytherin house is having a party tonight; firewhiskey, music, dancing. I shrugged, "Parties aren't exactly my thing. And besides, there isn't one Slytherin who I think really wants me there."

"Why do you say that?" I shrugged, "They all hate me. They think I'm crazy."

He nodded, groaning, "I know the feeling." I shook my head, "No Harry. Thy think I'm Old-Cat-Lady crazy. I think there's a pretty big difference between me and you."

"How so?"

I shrugged, "You're Harry Potter. The Chosen One. The savior to the darkness. All those special titles, while I'm... Aurora Lovegood. Crazy girl from the crazy family. The girl who went insane after her mum died. There's a pretty big difference."

"You're mum died?" I nodded, resting my arms on the bar, separating the floor from the huge clock, like he had done, "Yeah. She liked to experiment with magi and something went wrong. Luna and I were nine."

"I'm sorry."

I shook my head, "Don't be. I don't want your pity, just as much as you don't want mine." He nodded, a small smile etching on his mouth. I hate when people pity me. Treat me different because of my mum. And I'm pretty sure anyone else who lost their parents would feel the same way so...

"Aurora. You're different then I thought you would be like." I rose an eyebrow looking at him, "Really? How so?" He shrugged, "You just seemed... Different then you really are."

"Good different of bad different?" He chuckled, "Good different. Good different for sure." I giggled, "Well then I don't see a bad thing here." He laughed and it was quiet again. The silence was comfortable but still kind of awkward. I looked at the time on the clock in front of us and sighed, "I think it's time for dinner now." He nodded and took his hand off the railing. I talked about random things, but as he moved, I saw something on his hand. I looked at him confused, "What happened to your hand?"

He quickly covered it with his sleeve, "Nothing." I glanced at his eyes, the. At his hand and nodded, looking back to his eyes, "Okay. Come on. Don't ask how found out but Umbridge has someone in detention, so she won't be at dinner." He smiled wide, "Really?" I nodded, "Race you."

Harry and I ran into the Great Hall together, sitting with Hermione and Ron. Hermione looked at me, her eyes glancing at Harry then at me and mouthing 'What happened?'. I mouthed back, 'Tell you later'.

She nodded, and I folded my arms on the table, not really hungry. I nibbled on some pumpkin bread and pumpkin juice, just eating enough to keep me from getting hungry again, but not enough to fill me up. Harry kept his hands under his long sleeves, hiding what I had noticed.

Something happened and he either is too embarrassed to talk about it, or too thick to tell anyone. Hermione again mouthed, 'what's wrong?' I glanced at his hand, 'something happened to his hand. Tell you later'. She nodded, our eyes now locked as I we we're think the same thing.



Hermione paced back and forth, "That foul evil gargoyle!" I laughed, "Whoa, Hermione Geanger calling a teacher names? Who are you and what have you don't with her?" She shrugged, "Well, Aurora, if you haven't noticed, she's not teaching us how to defend ourselves. She's interviewing teachers to determine if they're qualified or not to be teachers. She's taking over the whole school."

I nodded, folding my legs under my body on the couch, "Seems like something she would do." Hermione shook her head, walking to the window and staring through the raindrop covered glass, "We need a teacher. One who understands we need to learn to defend ourselves. And someone who understands You-Know-Who is coming."

She turned around and looked at the three of us, her eyes stopping at Harry for a few seconds. I cringed, "Oh no. I know that look. You want to do something about this, don't you? And it's going to be dangerous, and completely against the rules"

She shrugged, "It's only against a few rules."

"Thank you for clearing that up..." Hermione looked dead at Harry, and do a second I thought I could see the wheels turning in her head, like she had a brilliant idea but she was debating whether or not she should put it into action.

I was starting to catch up with her idea, the more I thought about what we could do. Hermione nodded, coming to the conclusion, "Harry. What if... You were our teacher?"

His eyes looked as if they were going to pop out of his head, "Me?" I nodded, "Harry, you said yourself not an hour ago, we should have a teacher; someone who knows He is at large and is preparing to fight. You said that yourself. And frankly..... there's only one person who has come within arms reach of him... You."

Whether he wants to do this or not is irrelevant. He may have no choice...

In this chapter I tried to show how Aurora and Harry are becoming really good friends, and she no longer really just stares at him in her "Harry Trance", she calls it.
Comments and suggestions will be very much appreciated!

-Mya <3

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