Chapter 9: We're Out!

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A few days later the assembly for the Angels was taking place on a dreary morning. Dracus was at his head quarters pacing back and forth because Lucy wasn't there to help set up the the assembly hall. He kept telling himself that maybe she just slept in late. After all she did have a lot on her mind. "Bessie! Go tell the guards to go and, gently, wake Miss Arkatique up and tell her to get her ass here as fast as she can, 'cause if she doesn't, then tell them to tell her that she will have her head in my hands, soon to be pinned against my wall. Begone, standing there looking like a fool, and yet to make me feel like one because I own you." Dracus put on his cape and walked out of his room only to be immediately and stunningly interrupted by a guard. "Sire! Miss Lucy is not in her chambers!" Dracus pulled the guard to his face. "Preposterous! How can that be! Where could she have gone! That's it. Hold the assembly until tomorrow because we will find her today. Tell the spies to just go ahead and go to the island cave where Deirgon and Lucy's father is. We need the weapons so that we can train tomorrow morning!" Dracus threw the guard behind him and walked forward.

In Madden's Chamber he was ever so slapping Lucy around  like a rag doll. "They're  going to find you, and when they do, your head is mine!" Lucy said. She had spat a gob of saliva, mostly filled with blood. "You'll never own me, you fucking bastard!" Madden slapped Lucy again, almost losing her. "Just you wait and see how your father looks and has to look for the rest of his fucking life!"  Lucy hysterically started laughing, freaking Madden out. "You just don't get it. YOU WILL NEVER FUCKING OWN ME! FOR I AM LUCY ARKATIQUE AND I IVE BY MY OWN DAMN RULES! NOBODY OWNS ME!!!!!!!" Lucy's eyes and wings started to glow. She started to levitate off of the ground a bit, but was soon losing power because Madden had already slapped most of her energy out of her. "What the hell was that? Tell me you wicked bitch! I want to know!" Lucy tried her best to look at Madden, but was only able to give such a glare for such a short amount of time. "It's called anger, you dumb-ass." Lucy's eyes started to drift off into *East Jesus*. K.O. Madden was questioning her recent outrage. Were the Angles evolving?

*it just means she was looking off into a far distance or if you know how when people die in movies their eyes kind of drift off, looking at nothing. please read and comment and vote i do

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