Chapter Fourteen

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Airys got to me first but instead of attacking me, he turned his back and stopped the rabid she-elf from wrapping her hands around my throat. But that didn't stop her. Roots broke through the rocky ceiling and coiled about my upper arms, torso, legs, and neck, hoisting me into the air. The saddlebag with the book in it fell to the floor with a thud. My free hands attempting to pull the roots from my throat but they were unsuccessful. I gasped for air.

"Gossamer! Enough! She didn't do it!" he pushed her backward, away from me and the roots loosened their hold on my windpipe as she stumbled. I could breathe easier.

"She-she did! We saw her! She was the one!" The elf spluttered, so angry that she was visibly shaking, fists clenched tightly. Tears were forming in her eyes and the roots retightened their grasp.

Airys looked up at me, his eyes were heavy and sad, "Let her go." He turned back to Gossamer, "We can put her into the prison until we can give her a fair trial, okay? Just don't...don't kill her," his voice had steadied as he pleaded for my life. She thought for a moment. The shaking had subsided as she sighed and retracted the roots. I fell to the ground, where Thälor caught me.

"Put her in chains," Gossamer snapped, straightening herself. I was on my hands and knees, coughing hoarsely, the same as when Thälor almost strangled me to death. Gossamer's eyes were full of hate as they bore into mine. Anaith appeared with chains and clasped them tightly to my wrists, smirking as she did so.

"Gossamer—" Bayah began but Flax stopped her with a hand on her shoulder from saying anything more.

The Twins escorted me through the halls, towards the prison. Both of them didn't look at me the whole time.

"What did I do?" I asked, looking between the two. The rest of the assassins followed us closely, most looking scared or worried.

I was placed into a cell, the very same one Thälor had occupied several months ago.

Gossamer took the keys with her, giving me a look that could kill before turning to face the group behind her, "Everyone out and no one is allowed in here or you can join her," she threatened. Bayah gave me a pleading look as Flax turned her towards the stairs and they left.

"What did I do?!" I called after them. A sob escaped from me as my throat closed up, "What did I do?" I whispered to myself. I curled up on the bed and lay there, unmoving. Did they know about Pureacre? No, they said I was the one. But who?

As I lay there, hopeless and defeated, Airys walked down the stairs. I sat up quickly, moving to the bars of my cell. His eyes were forlorn and sad, exhaustion seemed to be etched in the lines on his face as he crossed towards me and leaned against the bars of me cell.

"Airys, what is going on?" I asked, begging for more information.

He took a deep breath and pulled up a chair to sit down. He leaned forward, putting his elbows on his knees and folding his hands over his face. He closed his eyes, inhaled deeply, and then looked at me, "They say, was you," he began.

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