| 12 |: The Unveiled Truth

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"Does it sting?" Noelle asked as she delicately cleaned the wound on her neck.

"I'm used to the pain," (y/n) replied. The maid-knight pursed her lips and continued her work. After disinfecting the cut, she picked up a roll of fresh gauze and was about to dress her wound when she noticed a peculiar mark. She blinked and then squinted as a purple symbol glowed ominously over the laceration. Just as she was about to address the strange mark to (y/n), it disappeared as quickly as it came, surprising Noelle.

Was she just imagining things?

'Perhaps the Honorary Knight is right about me needing more rest,' she thought whilst dressing (y/n)'s wound.

Later on in the afternoon, (y/n) decided to visit Albedo in Mondstadt. It has been a long time since their last encounter, and she wanted to apologise to him for never showing up again despite having agreed to become his assistant. She hoped that he'll understand her reason for her absence. When she entered the city, she noticed that the people looked anxious, as if some sort of misfortune had struck the populace. She arched an eyebrow, wondering what had influenced their gloomy demeanour.

She then spotted a familiar woman with light blue hair speaking to a shorter girl with long, dark brown hair wearing a headband topped with a large red bow by the fountain up ahead. Judging by her solemn expression, Eula seemed to be having a serious conversation with the brunette. (Y/n) decided to approach Eula to ask her what's going on, and the Captain of the Reconnaissance Company noticed her immediately when she was only a few steps away from them.

"Oh, it's you. It's been a while since we last saw each other, (y/n)," Eula said, nodding at her in acknowledgement, "I hope you've been doing well."

"Likewise. Though I wanted to ask, did something happen?" (y/n) asked, sounding a bit concerned, "There seemed to be unrest among the people." Before Eula could give her a response, the brunette beat her to it.

"A lot of the adventurers from the Adventurer's Guild have been going missing lately! And whenever they're found, they've all fallen into a coma-like state. The hospital has its hands full trying to take care of their comatose patients," she answered, sighing dejectedly.

(Y/n) cupped her chin, finding the situation the girl described familiar. She was sure that she had come across a similar problem in Inazuma before meeting Kazuya...

The brunette suddenly straightened her back and did a salute, drawing (y/n)'s attention. "By the way, I'm Outrider Amber of the Knights of Favonius! Forgive me for not introducing myself earlier... (Y/n), was it?" When (y/n) nodded, a beam split Amber's face in half. "It's nice to finally meet you! Kaeya, Eula and Albedo have mentioned your name a few times to me."

(Y/n) perked up at Albedo's name. "Speaking of Albedo, do you know where I can find him? I'd like to give him a formal apology for something that I failed to do."

Eula folded her arms over her chest and said, "He recently returned from his camp in Dragonspine an hour ago, so he should be in his office right now, most likely sketching."

(Y/n)'s head dipped forward in a small bow. "Thank you, Eula. And perhaps we'll cross paths again in the future, Amber."

Amber waved at (y/n) cheerfully. "Yeah! See you around!"

When the (h/c)-haired woman arrived at the Knights of Favonius Headquarters, she was stopped by one of the guards standing outside.

"Please state your business," he said.

"I'm here to see the Captain of the Investigation Team, Albedo," she replied. Before the man could open his mouth again to say something, a familiar voice interjected. Blinking, (y/n)'s eyes then flickered up to see a certain Cavalry Captain walking outside, and her entire body tensed at the sight of him.

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