Chapter 8 - Are you kidding me?

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One Month - 8 Prescription Refills Later

Niall Horan POV


As I walked into the pharmacy, warm air blew through my clothes, warming me instantly. I look around the now familiar shop for a moment but quickly head towards the counter in the back. 

A woman with brunette whispy hair sits behind the desk, casually tapping her pen to the computer keyboard that sits before her. She stares intently at the monitor, barely flinching when I walk up, smiling sheepishly. 

"Can I help you?" she asks in a low, smoker's voice. 

"Erm, yes, could I have this prescription refilled?" I ask eagerly, yet cautiously. She reaches her hand out and takes the bag. She reads the label, looks at me curiously, then stands to take it into the back room. When she emerges she is smirking. 

"Sorry, Mr. Horan. This prescription has no more refills allowed. You may wish to call your doctor if you think this is incorrect. Sorry, have a good day." she says, the slight grin still playing on the corners of her lips. She happy to deliver this terrible news, she seems to me to be the type of person who enjoys watching others suffer.

When she speaks, my heart sinks. I can already feel this morning's migraine coming on, I need some tablets... fast! Seeing my horrorstruck expression, the woman openly grins before settling herself down at the counter again. I stare at her blankly for a moment. With each beat of my heart, I feel the head ache growing stronger. I scramble out of the shop and into my car, quickly. I feel her eyes on the back of my head the entire way out.

As soon as I am safely in the car, I dial Dr. Potter. He can sort all of this out...


Liam Payne POV

When I awoke, I automatically checked on Niall. It has become a routine for me, ever since we lifted the 'no-public' ban nearly a month ago. I feel the need to do this because... Well, because... Because Niall has become something he is not. 

He comes in at the latest possible hours of the night, usually with company. He drinks heavily when he is out and we get to listen to it. I worry for his well being.

The boys tell me I am wrong, but I think I am right. Yesterday morning, I think I saw a man leave Ni's room. I think Niall had sex with a man. My room is adjacent to his, I suffer through the pain of listening to the one you love, have sex with strangers every night. I cry most nights, either Harry or Zayn often comforts me. But that night, I am almost certain the noises were different, maybe deeper. I don't like to listen closely, it just makes my heart break further.

Danielle and I are officially over. Management wanted us to stay together but we simply couldn't anymore. She knew I didn't want her, she knew I wanted someone else, but she had an obligation for a long time. We were together just over 2 years - the two best and worst years of my life.

I crack the door and look into the bedroom. Last night he didn't have any visitors so I don't have to worry about that. I do have to worry, however, about the empty bed that I spot through the slightly open door. With a bang, I throw the door open, looking frantically around the room for my love.

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