~The Meet~

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I walked along the beach for about fifteen minutes, looking around. The sight of everything gave me a strange wave of optimism, which disappeared after a few seconds. Of course, no good feeling could last so long in me. Not after what happened four months ago.

After a few more minutes of desperately looking for someone to talk to that looked at least a little friendly, I sat down on a wooden bench nearby on the boardwalk. I had made it all the way to the boardwalk without someone being friendly enough to walk up to me and say hello.

I was too shy to say hello to them, which was particularly the reason why I never had much friends back at home. I put my chin in my hands sulking, and watched a game of volleyball occuring on the beach.

The server hit the ball, leaving the other team to pass it back. A boy folded his hands together, called "Got it!", and hit the ball back over the net. The teammate on the other side couldn't get to the ball fast enough, and the ball hit the ground with an inaudible thud.

"Yeah! Go Boston!!" Another guy yelled in victory. I didn't catch who. 

"Hi!" A voice spoke from behind me.

I screamed very loudly. Everyone down at the beach most likely heard me. It felt like all eyes were on me as people passed on the boardwalk. I looked up to see a girl staring wide-eyed back at me.

"Whoa, sorry! I didn't mean to scare you! That was a pretty loud screech of yours." She said.

"Who are you?" I asked this more rudely than I had anticipated to.

"I'm Sara. Sara Phipps." She held out her hand.

Reluctantly, I shook it. "Evie." 

"What?" She said.

"Evie. My name is Evie." I repeated.

"Evie.. I always liked that name!" She smiled, finally shaking my hand.

"Cool." I turned back around.

It felt rude completely ignoring her this way, but she embarrassed me. What would anybody else have done?

I expected her to sadly walk away, but instead she stayed behind me.

She walked around the bench and sat next  to me.

"Do you like volleyball?" She asked.

"Uh..." I hesitated. 

What do I have against her to not at least talk to her? I thought to myself.

I straightened, and faced her. "I've never really been a big fan of volleyball, but I am a dancer."

"You dance? That's awesome! I love to dance. I've been a dancer here at Jersey Shore Dance Studio for basically all of my life, since I was three."

"Wow! What got you so interested?" I asked, curious.

"Uh, my mom. She always loved to dance. She died when I was six." She looked down.

I awkwardly patted her back. What was I supposed to do in this situation? Then, I felt like slapping myself for not remembering.

"Um, my mom died, too. About four months ago."

Not  about. Exactly four months ago. I thought. Not that I was counting or anything.

"Sorry" We both said to each other, then laughed.

Why were we laughing? We were talking about our mom's deaths for pete's sake!

I still smiled. "We should hang out tonight. I have to go eat dinner soon, but-"

I checked my watch. It was already ten past seven! I should have already been home!

"I'm sorry, Sara! I have to go! Oh, geez, he's gonna be so mad at me!"

"Who?" Sara wondered.

"My dad! I was supposed to be home ten minutes ago! I'll meet you at the coffee shop in about thirty minutes! Bye!"

"Wait!" She protested, but I had already started running away.

I contemplated over what she would have said before I dashed off.

But, It was too late now.

I rushed into the house panting and gasping for breath.

"Evie! Where have you been! I've been so worried!" My dad yelled.

"With... Sara." I smiled, panting.

Authors note- Hi guys! This is my second chapter/part of "I Believe"! This story is far from being over, so I hope you come with me along the way! Third part is coming tomorrow(October 7th, 2021) if I'm not busy. If I am, It'll come Friday(October 8th, 2021.)

I hope you guys have a wonderful day/afternoon/evening/night! Until next time! Bye! :)

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