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I knew that Dad wouldn't let Enzo sleep with me in my room, so I made sure he had enough blankets and pillows to sleep in the only guest room that we had. Dad had made sure that we had a beach house with a guest room when he bought it with mom. He always said, "What if there were a homeless person needing somewhere to stay for the night?"

There were a ton of what ifs when it came to dad. This week, it was what if dad didn't let him stay longer than a week?

I knew Enzo needed more than a week to sort things out with his living situation, but I was far too tired to care about anything but my bed at that point.

I wheeled to the guest room and threw the pillows and blankets on Enzo, who seemed zoned out staring at the wall.

"Hey!" He exclaimed, but smiled when he turned and saw me.

I wished my stomach would stop rolling over, so that I could perhaps stop thinking about him, but it seemed like a ridiculous thought at this point.

"You had it coming!" I laughed, right as dad walked in. 

"Oh, hey guys. What are you doing in here, Evie?" Dad asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Just giving Enzo some pillows and blankets. Did you really think I'd let you give him that quilt?" I asked him.

Dad had in his hands the very quilt that I had had since I was six years old. It was a medium-sized, yellow and blue, square-patterned blanket that my mom had made for me for my sixth birthday. I had had it forever, but I stopped using it around the age of twelve.

"Is that yours, sir? It's very creative." Enzo asked politely.

To dad, though, politeness was just a way of getting someone close to you. Enough to betray them.

I had no idea why he ever though this; but I never really asked, either.

"No. I don't use blankets, I use covers." He looked down at the quilt, clearly thinking of mom. "It was Evie's. She got it from her mom when she was six."

"Do you still use it?" Enzo asked.

A lot of questions were flowing out of him tonight.

"Didn't I say no more questions?"

"Maybe, but you didn't give me very many answers, either." He looked into my eyes.

His dark brown eyes could make swimming pools; and I would swim in them all day long.

"I-" I began, but dad interrupted.

"Alright, Ev. It's time for bed." He gestured for me to go out of the room.

"What? Can't we just talk for like ten minutes?" I pouted. I didn't ever pout, and I didn't know why I was pouting tonight.

"No. Go to bed." Dad ordered once more.

I guess I had to listen. I frowned as I wheeled out of the room, looking back at Enzo while I did so.

And he was looking right back at me.


I couldn't stop thinking about him that night. It was like he was permanently in my mind-space all the time, now. When I showered, I thought of him. When I tried going to sleep for the fifth time that night, I thought of him. When he opened the door to my room, I thought of him.

Wait- what?

"Enzo? What are you doing in here? Dad's gonna murder you." I whispered.

"Shh!" He tip-toed over to my bed.

As he sat down, I nudged him gently. "I am being quiet, dummy."

"Your dad has super-hearing, I'm telling you."

"Hey, what did he say to you while you were in there together?" I couldn't help but ask. It had been on my mind since I left the room.

He took a moment to answer. "Oh, he just told me goodnight, and to stay comfy."

Liar. I knew for a fact that he was lying, because of two things.

One: Dad never said things like "Stay comfy". That was just odd to him. And, really, it was always odd to think that he would  say such things.

Two: Enzo's face. He turned red as soon as I asked the question, which meant that either dad had said something that made him uncomfortable, or that Enzo just felt nervous saying it.

I went with the latter, because he was comfortable enough to tell me about what happened with his mom, and his entire life story. The question I had asked could not have been that uncomfortable for him to answer.

"Okay. "I said simply. There was no reason for argument over a stupid question. So, I just let it go. I was sure that he would tell me the truth sooner or later.

"You didn't answer my question, Enzo. What are you doing in here?" I asked him again.

"I needed to tell you something. And, whether you feel the same or not, I don't know. But, I do know that I need to get it off of my chest."

I bit my lip, looking down. He was not about to confess his feelings to me. I could not date anyone right now. Not only almost six months after mom's death. It couldn't happen.

But, I didn't stop him when he placed his hand on mine.

"I like you, Evie. And, it's not- you are not a rebound from Annie. Sure, I needed someone to lean on when everything with my mom was too much to handle. But, Annie never helped with that. She saw me as the most popular boy in Jersey High, but you saw me differently. You just saw me as the boy you met at a dance studio." He moved closer to me, and I looked into his eyes.

"I didn't know you'd be so important to me, already." He ended, and smiled.

With that he walked away.

"Enzo, wait." I whispered.

He turned towards me, and smiled wider.

"I like you, too."

With three long steps forward, he stopped in front of me. He caressed my face, and kissed me.

This wasn't the short kiss that we had had earlier. It was a long, slow, and passionate one.

And it made me feel more than what I had ever once felt for any boy.

He sat down on the bed with me, and the kiss went on forever.

Until dad walked in, and everything stopped.

Including my freedom to talk, because I was speechless.


~AUTHOR'S NOTE~  Hey guys! This was another short chapter, but I didn't feel like doing much today. Suck it up. Anyway, I am not getting any comments, which is making me feel like- I don't know, I'm not doing enough writing or something. Lol, idk. But, I've been having lots of volleyball practice, and I just had prom, so I've been pretty busy.

Guys, please comment!!!!

Have a good day!


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