The Changes

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I was released from the hospital in about three days, despite how sore I still was. I couldn't help but wonder at what might have happened if I didn't take the turn down that path that night.  A semi weighs eighty-thousand pounds even without pulling a trailer. The Chevy that hit me that night weighed twenty thousand times less than that Semi. If I hadn't went down that path, I probably wouldn't be where I was, now.

"Evie?!" A familiar voice gasped. I turned around to see Sara.

"Sara... How are you?" I didn't even know how to begin the conversation. She hadn't visited me in the hospital, or called, or even texted since the last time we had seen each other, which was almost a  week ago.

I had been unconscious for three days, and she hadn't even called my phone to see if I was alive.

"I saw what happened on the news. I am so sorry I never called. My dad had taken away my phone, and I didn't want to tell him why I wanted to call you, so he never let me at all."

"You didn't want to tell him?" I narrowed my eyes at her.

"No, because he would want to come with me. I knew he would not approve of you and your dad."

After she didn't say anything, I broke the silence. "Elaborate?"

"He wouldn't like the way your dad let you go around past 6:00 p.m. He would not have approved of the way your dad lets you walk around on the beach and scream louder than a banshee, and he definitely wouldn't have approved of the way you dress!" Sara huffed.

"Wait, let me get this straight. You come to me after I got in a car crash, been through indescribable pain, and told that I would not be able to walk for 'a while', and you tell me that your father wouldn't approve of me and my dad's way of living? Who do you think you are, Sara?"

"Evie, I-" She began to realize what she had said.

"Just go away, Sara. Please." I had already dealt with enough pain. I did not need any more of it.

I saw Sara grimace before she walked away, leaving me alone to realize I had just pushed away the one friend that I might have had.


I didn't fully understand why Sara changed her mind on how she felt about me. First, she apologized for not reaching out, then she practically told me that I was an irresponsible girl who never dressed well, and that her dad would not approve of me as her friend. Was she that embarrassed of me?

"Evie, hey!" A surprisingly familiar voice called from in the distance. I smiled as I turned around to see Enzo running towards me.

"Hey, Enzo. How've you been?" I began, and he laughed.

"You are in a wheelchair, and you're asking me how I've been?"

"You answer my question, I will answer yours. "I smiled up at him. Man, being in a chair for even a day sounded horrible. Being in one until you healed enough to walk again was much, much worse.

"Who said I had a question?" Enzo replied with a smirk.

"It's obvious?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Fine. I'm doing alright. Now my turn." He answered quickly, eager to ask something.

"Uh-uh! You're lying." I crossed my arms and stared into his eyes. That was usually how I could tell if someone was lying. I based it on how big their pupils got when they said something.

He didn't say anything back. We just stared at each other. It was anything but awkward, despite how much it should have been. The most terrible part of it all was that I didn't want it to end.

But, it had to. Enzo had a girlfriend. What kind of person would I be if I ruined a relationship that could have gotten better over time?

"Um, where's Annie?" I broke the silence and staring, looking down at the sand.

"That's the problem... Uh- we broke up a week ago. When I had heard about your crash, I immediately went to the hospital. Or, I tried to. The road I usually went down to get to the hospital.. That was the road you were on, and I found you and took you to the Emergency Room. Annie thought it was because we were dating secretly, and we had a huge fight over it, and she admitted that she had been cheating on me with another man, and then we called it off." Enzo exhaled. He had clearly been holding this back.

"Wow, I'm so sorry, Enzo. You didn't deserve that." I hugged him. He had to sit on his knees to hug me back. When he did, though, I knew I had never gotten a better hug from someone. He wrapped his arms around my waist softly, and whispered into my ear.

"Thank you." 

And then it happened.

Then, at that exact moment, we kissed.

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