Chapter Fourteen.

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So I didn’t edit this chapter but I hope it’s up to par. It feels like I haven’t updated in quite a while so I thank you all for being patient with me. Thank you for all of the votes and everything. You guys are the bomb! I love you all and hope you enjoy this chapter! Love, Sami <3

Chapter Fourteen:

Wednesday: February 25, 2015

Harry’s POV:

“I can’t do it. It’s no use.”, I sighed and sat on the couch with my head in my hands.

After I had told Zayn about me seeing colors he went and talked to Louis about it who apparently recognized the glowing as some sort of aura. Usually vampires who could see auras weren’t blind as far as any of us knew yet here I was blind as a fucking aura seeing bat. For the past few days the lads were trying to teach me how to adjust to the lifestyle but I couldn’t get the hand of it. I was already clumsy to begin with and to top it off a was now blind. I thought there were supposed to be perks to being turned? Maybe some sick powers like mind reading or super strength. Zayn kept telling me that it was likely that I had some sort of power but it was too early to determine exactly what it was.

Louis put his hand on my shoulder, “Relax mate. You’ll get the hang of things eventually. We just need to figure out what works for you.” Louis had been helping me learn how to fight for the past few hours since Zayn and Niall went out to hunt so I could feed.

I shook my head, “I can’t do anything Lou. I can’t even run like you guys can. I’m practically a slug next to you three. I thought newborns were strong?”

“Well Haz, most are to be honest. You seem to be developing a little slower for some reason. It’s kinda like you’re premature. You may be a little bit behind but you’ll be up and going in no time.” I couldn’t see him but I could hear the smile in his voice and I that was a bit reassuring. “Now let’s try this one more time yea?”

I took a deep breath, “Yea.” I got up from the couch and stood about a yard away from Louis who I was sure was already in a fighting stance. I got in the position that he had taught me and gave him a small nod, “I’m ready.”

“Alright. Now remember what I taught you.”

“Focus on hearing and feeling the enemy, not their aura.”

“Right.” Without another word Louis was charging at me. I closed my eyes so I could block out his aura and I quickly dodged his attack.

I knew that he was taking it easy on me since he was about a million times faster than I was and if this was a real battle then I would’ve been dead seconds ago. But thankfully Louis was doing his best to get down to my level which made this training a tiny bit more bearable. I barely dodged each punch that came my way and I could hear his fists zooming past my face. It wasn’t so much the blocking that I had a problem with though. I couldn’t land a punch on him even if I was giving it 150% of my effort. Letting my guard down I quickly opened my eyes and without another thought I was falling onto the ground after another successful hit by Louis.

I groaned and Louis grabbed my hand to help me up, “It’s ok Harry. You’ll get in the swing of things soon.”

“No! I never will! I’m so fucking down with this shit!” I stormed out of the house remembering the path that Zayn had taken me many times before to give me fresh air. I took a few steps outside of the door not wanting to venture too far away and plopped on the ground in frustration. I pulled my knees up to my chest and put my head down letting my arms covering up my face.

Tears began flowing down my cheeks and my shoulders began to shake, “I can’t do this. I’m never going to be able to get this right. I’m just dead weight.” I felt something furry rub against my arm and I looked over to see the familiar yellow aura. “Hey Py.”, I hiccupped. He let out a quiet whimper and I sighed, “I just can’t seem to get this right Pyro. What if I’m not meant to do this? What if I just hold all of you back? We can’t afford to have dead weight right now. What if Liam tries to find me again?”

Pyro licked my face and I couldn’t help but smile, “I love you too Py. You always know how to cheer me up.”

The german shepherd grabbed onto my sleeve with his teeth and I got up. He ran ahead of me and I slowly made my way towards him, careful not to trip and fall on anything. He stopped a few yards away from me and began to bark wildly. When I reached the place he had stopped I felt around for something but the only thing that I found was a tree.

“It’s a tree Py.” He barked again. “I really don’t know what you want from me. Maybe just wait until Zayn gets back so he can understand.” Pyro barked again and pushed my towards the tree. “Pyro I don’t know what you want.” He nudged me again. “Pyro! I don’t know what you want!”

I slammed my fist against the tree and froze when I felt the ground shaking beneath me. “Pyro!”, I yelled as the ground continued to shake around me.

I stood still as I watched the yellow glow run around me and furiously bark. It wasn’t until the ground was still that I heard Louis shout, “Harry! Don’t move! I’m gonna come get you! Just stay put!”

Get me? What the hell was happening right now? I didn’t dare move a muscle though as I saw Louis quickly come closer to me and then stop about 12 feet away.

“Shit Harry! What the bloody hell happened here?”, Louis yelled from afar.

I shrugged, “Yea! Ask the blind guy why the earth was shaking!”

I didn’t have to see Louis to know that he was probably rolling his eyes at me in a sassy fashion. “Well what did you do?”

“I didn’t do anything! Pyro kept barking at me and pushing me towards this damn tree and I got frustrated because I didn’t know what he wanted and I hit the tree and the ground started quaking!”

There was a few moments of silence then Louis spoke up, “Harry, I need you to listen to me very carefully.” I nodded and he continued, “You need to focus all of your energy to your feet. Just think about walking across a field or something.”

“What?” Ok. If I thought I was confused before I was wrong. Now I had absolutely no idea what was going on and it was kinda freaking me out. I gulped, making me realize that I was extremely thirsty since I hadn’t had any blood for a few hours.

Louis’ voice shook me out of my trance, “Just think hard about what I told you and walk towards my voice.”

Alright. Being blind was not fun. At all. I wanted to see again. Especially in a situation like this. I had no idea what was going on but I had to trust Louis. He was my friend and a very wise one at that. He knew what he was talking about.

A took a deep breath and shouted, “Ok. Here I come.”

“I’m over here Harry! Close your eyes and just listen!” I took a few shaky and slow steps towards Louis. “You’re doing a great job Harry!” With every step I took I could feel the ground moving under my feet. I was scared shitless but I was still alive so Louis clearly knew what he was talking about. “Just a few more steps Haz. Just a few more.” Just as he promised I was in his arms in just three more steps. He hugged me tight as if he thought he would never touch me again. “You’re ok. You’re ok.”

He led me inside and sat me down on the couch where we waited for Niall and Zayn to return.  

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