Trans pan - dex (Or should I say Tex?)

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A/N Dex is written with she/her pronouns and their name is changed so yea don't read it if you don't like it.

Dex sighed, why was she holding back? It wasn't like her family wouldn't accept her - her dad was bi for crying out loud. She was scared, but she knew it was time.

"Mom, dad. Rex, bex, lex. I have an announcement, I am a girl, and I wish to use she/her pronouns. I am also pansexual. I know you guys will support me, and I thank you." Dex looked up at his family, who had all stopped chewing and were staring at him. Several painful seconds ticked by, until finally bex piped up "cool, I have a sister!!" She laughed and started blabbering about stuff they could do together while the rest of her family smiled encouragingly. "Well, Dex I support you, but you know I do anyway," his dad laughed. "Would you like to change your name? You don't have to but it might help to have the option. "Yeah dad that would be awesome! I already have one in mind, is Tex ok? Because I know you want our names to rhyme so..." she trailed off, her dad ruffling her hair. "Sure thing, tex."

"Hey Elwin," Tex grinned as she walked through the healing room door, "I did it!" She laughed as Elwin tousled her hair. Elwin had been the first person she came out to, who in turn came out to her as gay. "Hey! That's so great!" Elwin gave her a high-five and guestured to the elixir he was brewing, "This is for your transition, though if you've changed your mind that's okay too." Tex shook her head, "No, that would be awesome, Elwin. I told my family that I was going to get this done and they totally supported me! Also I'm going to go by Tex from now on, still rhymes but it sounds more feminine so I like it." Elwin grabbed an empty bottle off a shelf and removed the cork, "That's great, tex!" He grabbed a ladle and spooned the mixture into the vile, then prepared a few more, seven in total. "The process will take a week, and even if you look and feel done you need to keep going because your insides will still be a mess. You can do it here or at home but it doesn't matter, your going to feel discomfort and very strange but afterwards it'll be great. The things it changes are hormones, genitals, voice, and it will give your face and body an overall more feminine, rounded look." He packed the seven vials into a leather bag and handed them to Tex. "I recommend that if you do it at home I'd down it right before bed, you can take a seditave since it might be hard to sleep with it, but with what you've been through I'd guess you won't." Tex nodded. "I'd also suggest you tell your friends so they don't get a shock when the process is done." Tex's face paled, she hadn't thought about that yet. She knew they'd be fine with it, no one had cared when Keefe and Tam started dating, or when Fitz came out as ace. Practically all her friends were queer in one way or another, she was lucky. Even Stina was non binary. "Yeah, yeah I will." Elwin smiled, "there's my girl. Hail me if you need anything, or just want to talk." Tex smiled and nodded. "Thank you. For everything, Elwin. I never would have gotten this far without you. So thanks."

A/N idk how to really finish this and I want to publish this book so anyway that's how it's going to end but I'll do a part two if I get an idea or someone comments an idea for me.

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