I don't need to see you to love you (Kam)

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A/N: so I saw this fan-art and it's too cute and full credit goes to the artist (soso.19) for the art but the story is mine so yea cool, also so so.19's art is so cool so go check it out (if u want idc)

A warning: I'm sorry but Keefe had to be injured so I'm very sorry believe me it pained me to write this bc Keefe is awesome (long live hunkyhair) but it's a cute story so I like it. Also Keefe has some degrading of his self worth and has some slightly depressing thoughts so if you think that's something u shouldn't read it if that won't be good for your self esteem or whatever then please don't.

Keefe pov

Blood covered Keefe's face where the ninja star had cut across his eyes, thrown by a hooded member of the neverseen. He knew it could have been his mother and he hated it. Pain forced him to his knees as darkness surrounded him. A whimper slipped between his lips as he pressed his hands to the jagged wound. He barely registered the arms wrapping around him and dragging him away, barely registered the other pained screams that followed, though he was unsure of whether they were of his friends or his enemies. He was scared. He didn't know what was happening. It was all so disorienting. He was confused and in pain, so with a slight stagger he gave in and passed out.

Keefe opened his eyes to darkness, he reached up to feel his eyes but only felt bandages. "Wh- where... am I?" He mumbled. He tried to sit up in what he assumed was a cot in Elwin's healing centre, but failed misribly. "Whoah, hey there he's back!" Yep, he was in the healing centre alright, he knew that voice like no other. "Hey Elwin," he sighed, "what happened?" He tired sitting up again and heard footsteps, probably Elwin coming to help him sit. Great. Don't tell me I'll be like this forever - useless and hopeless, relying on others for everything, being a burden. He was right, Elwin softly patted his shoulder to let him know where he was before helping sit Keefe up in the cot. "I'm not going to lie Keefe I was scared, I still am. This was close. The ninja star severed a few nerves. If it were a little of to the side and had struck your temple, you wouldn't be here right now. But even though your alive you might not ever see again, I'm sorry." Elwin cursed under his breath, "I should have been able to save your sight. I should have. I'm sorry Keefe I know saying I tried isn't good enough-" Keefe didn't let him finish, "No, I know you did all you could. I'm alive, and that's the main thing, so thank you." He guestured to the bandages, "though really did you have to do this whole monstrosity to what I'm sure is my messed up hair, I mean really a guy has to look his best even when he's almost dying." Elwin chuckled, "You know there's someone here to see you, Keefe. He saved you so I think you owe him a thank you." He made some excuse to go mix up some elixir to help with scarring or something in the other room and left the two boys alone.

"So. Uh I guess thanks bangs boy," Keefe said, unsure how to talk to Tam when he couldn't see him, "Thanks for saving me." He tried to sense where Tam could be, his empathy seeming to help in this, heightening so he could feel for where the emotions are and talking in that general direction. "I'm glad it didn't kill you." Well that's unexpected. "If you think for a second that this excuses you from my teasing your wrong, I still don't like you Tammy," he taunted. He felt Tam's mood shift, sadden somehow. "Well that's a shame. Because I like you."

Tam pov

No. No, no, no. This can't be happening. Why did I say that? Maybe he'll just think it was a joke, a tease. He just has to be an empath doesn't he, and I bet he's even more powerful now with the loss of a sense, that's just how great he is. Maybe it was the sadness that he felt when he looked at Keefe's broken form, or the fact that he had loved the other boy since they met, but he found himself siting next to Keefe on his cot. "Sorry, sorry I shouldn't have said that." He was so annoyed with himself. How could he have said something so dumb? Keefe turned to face him, eyes still unseeing and covered by a bandage, his hair indeed messy. He reached his hand out, grasping for something, Tam was unsure but reached his own hand out anyway, interlocking it with Keefe's. "Me too. I just had trouble accepting that, accepting I'm not normal," he sighed, shifting closer to Tam. "Don't you dare say that, being one of a kind isn't a bad thing. It's probably what made me fall for you in the first place, Keefe." He blushed, glad that Keefe couldn't tell, until he remembered that not only was Keefe's empathy probably heightened, but they were in physical contact anyway. "And you know I'm not lying. I'd never lie to you."

Keefe pov

He was in shock, he never thought that Tam would feel the same way, but here they were - holding hands and saying sappy romantic stuff. Just like he imagined it. He laughed sheepishly as Tam lifted their interlocked hands to his mouth and tenderly kissed Keefe's hand, still interlaced with his. "So. Are we a thing then?"

A/N: I'm actually really happy with this idk why but it's cute and I love it even tho they didn't kiss witch I'm mad at myself about but i don't think the characters would actually kiss upon confessing so idk. Anyway I will probably do a part two of this because I love this ship so much and it's adorable but yea.

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