I don't need to see you to love you (Kam) part two

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A/N: this is a part two so if you didn't read the last chapter I'd suggest you do. I really liked the last story so Ima make a part two, and I'm actually wondering if I'll make a whole Kam book about this bc it's so adorable. 

This has spoilers so don't read if you haven't finished 8.5 bc idk wat book I spoiled but that's what I've read so better safe than sorry (book nine isn't out yet)

Ps It's been a week since part one

Tam pov

He watched as Elwin unwound the bandages from Keefe's head, hoping that Keefe would smirk and say he could see, but he was met with the cold reality of Keefe's faded ice blue eyes staring at him and saying "Huh, I guess it's really real now." Tam stood from the cot across from Keefe's and cursed, kicking the wall. "Whoah, whoah bangs boy calm down, eh?" Keefe laughed, "I'm fine, really. It'll be kinda cool to be the centre of attention again, and plus my photographic memory is helping me out, I've been here a ton of times so I can remember my surroundings fine." Tam stoped kicking the wall, it wouldn't change anything. "I know, I'm sorry. I know I should be being all strong for you not kicking a stupid wall acting like a baby." Tam placed his hand on Keefe's shoulder, "let's get you up." Keefe shrugged him off and jumped up out of his seat, "Hey I'm not helpless you know!" Tam's smile fell, he just wanted to help. "Thanks though," Keefe added quickly, almost as though he had sensed Tams mood shift. Dang that's annoying, but also really sweet. Damit i love him so much. Elwin smiled at the two, "Ok off you go you can be love birds somewhere else," he chuckled, he knew very well they had forgotten he was there and laughed as they started making excuses. He put his hands up like stop signs, "Whoah guys it's okay chill, I'm gay too." Keefe laughed and reached for Tams hand, "Oh, cool Elwin," Tam laughed at Keefe's response, "He means to say thank you," he elbowed Keefe in the ribs, "doesn't he?" Elwin laughed as Keefe flusteredly thanked him, then they were out the door, Tam leading Keefe through Foxfires halls.

3rd person pov

Tam was still in his foxfire uniform from earlier, he had been at school all day but come to collect Keefe, and Keefe had been gifted another from Elwin so he could continue his studies for the day, much to his protest. "Hey guys!" Tam shouted to the rest of their friends, who were sitting at their usual table. Of course the gang had visited Keefe in the week he was in the healing centre, but seeing him up and walking in his uniform made a bit of a commotion in the cafeteria, even the mentors had missed him. "What up gays?" Biana squealed upon noticing Keefe and Tam's still interlocked hands, causing the boys to blush uncontrollably. After everyone had spoken to Keefe he finally got to sit down, his boyfriend collecting two trays of food so Keefe wouldn't have to walk while carrying a tray of food. Tam sat down in between Lihn and Keefe, but he wouldn't touch his food, just prodded at it with his fork.

Keefe pov

He sat under Callas pankes, tams arm over his shoulder. It was nice for Sophie to let us sit here together, neither of our homes are the best for that, and I'm sure the petals falling in his stupid hair make him look so cute. Too bad I'll never see it. He closed his already unseeing eyes, sensing Tam was asleep, just being in the moment he never thought he'd have.

He awoke to Tam shifting beside him. "Sorry, I didn't want to wake you," tams voice was hushed. "It's ok, i was just resting my eyes. Hey, I guess I can't use that excuse anymore, huh?" He laughed, then stopped when he felt Tams mood shift. "Whoah, are you alright? That's the same thing I felt at lunch.." he turned to face tam, not that he would see anything. "It's just..." tams mood shifted again. "Forget it, I'm fine! I'm alright, okay?" Tam ran his fingers through Keefe's hair, much to his annoyance, although he was too worried to be mad. "No your not, even if I wasn't an empath, I would know," Keefe slid his hand into Tams, "you can tell me, Tammy." He turned his eyes to where he thought tams would be, hoping to show his emotions through his eyes. Tam heaved a sigh. "Your right. And it's silly, it's selfish really, and I feel so bad to even think of it... but..." he felt tams mood shift again, and he focused all his newly heightened empathy into sending a soothing breeze to Tam. He heard Tam sigh, "Thanks. I don't deserve you to calm me though, not after thinking this." Keefe squeezed his boyfriends hand in reassurance. "I feel as though it's my fault you lost your sight, if I had been quicker, if I had cared more... do you still love me even though your blind?" Keefe started chuckling, "Oh Tam it's not your fault, no one could have cared more." He reached his other hand out placing it on tams shoulder. "And as for wether I love you still? I don't need to see you to love you. It would just be a nice bonus to see how handsome my boyfriend really is." And with that he pulled himself toward Tam, waiting for the other boy to close the gap between them so he didn't miss and slobber all over tams forehead or something, and closed his eyes, Tam pressing his lips to Keefe's.

Idk about you but I loved this so much and it's adorable and I'm really happy with my work, tbh I think it turned out really well.

I'm thinking about doing a part three, but I don't want to drag it out, comment if you want me to though!

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