A win-win (Tam x Dex)

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A/N: So I thought ya know this would be a sweet story, Dex is pan and Tam is genderfluid and also demisexual gay and they're dating.

Tam pov

He knocked on the door to Rimeshire, clearing his through and smoothing down his hair, hearing footsteps approaching. The door opened to revere Kesler, and a smaller, more smiley mini-kesler behind him. "Hello, mr Diznee," Tam nodded to him. "Oh please Tam, you don't have to call me that you're practically part of the family now! Now take good care of my boy tonight," Kesler grinned, letting Dex out the door, who gratefully half-sprinted into his boyfriends arms. Kesler chuckled and shut the door, "have fun you two!"

The light faded away and Tam tucked the leaping crystal hanging from his neck back under his shirt. "I know it's not much but-" Tam was cut of by a kiss. "It's perfect Tam don't even say it's not," Dex scolded happily. In truth it was amazing, they stood at the edge of a forest at a beach, the stars shining and the moon full over the water. Tam hugged his boyfriend and ran his fingers through Dex's hair. "I'm glad you love it," tam said, "This way." He took his hand and showed him an old-style swing hanging from a weeping willow with a view of the beach, big enough for two. Tam sat down, Dex following him. "What a view," he breathed, not taking his eyes of Dex, who was staring at the ocean. "Yeah," dex turned to look at Tam and laughed. "Now I think we could be talking about different views here," he said, now staring into Tam's eyes. "Seems like a win-win to me," Tam whispered, closing his eyes and leaning in to place his lips softly on Dex's, who kissed back softly. A gentle breeze picked up, ruffling the boy's hair. After a while the two broke away and stared into each others eyes, "I love you Tam," Dex whispered, his hand resting softly on the rope of the swing. "I love you too."

And that was really fluffy but oh well it was cute so anyway. I've actually never thought about this ship before but I actually really like it now, and Ima draw this scene bc it's too flipping cute.

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