Chapter 7

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"He's been hit by a car!" Bethany says, "What? Who? Fred!?" I say frantically searching for my keys, "Yeah!" She says as I head to the car, "Alright, calm down, I'll get there as soon as I can, be sure you are calm enough as soon as I get there" I...

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"He's been hit by a car!" Bethany says, "What? Who? Fred!?" I say frantically searching for my keys, "Yeah!" She says as I head to the car, "Alright, calm down, I'll get there as soon as I can, be sure you are calm enough as soon as I get there" I say reassuring her.

I rush outside hopping to my bike and turned it off to start revving it, I changed the gears and start heading towards there as fast as I could passing through the neighborhood.

My phone began to rang so I slow down stopping so I can answer the phone not knowing I'm infront of Cervina's house.

Cervina POV

"Bethany?" YN ask, Wasn't that the tiger girl? What does he want?, All I can hear is YN saying unintelligible words, I look at my phone with YN's contact number then to him, he looked worried, his voice starts to get loud when he turns the key.

"I don't have their phone number, but I know where they live, I'll get there once I see Fred's condition" He says starting back up his bike again and head somewhere.

I look at his contact number once again and sighed putting down my phone, Looking back YN looked hurt when I said that, did I overreact? I should fix things with him when I got some courage to talk to him again.


I arrived at the hospital parking my bike then rushed to the receptionist asking what room number they put Fred, The receptionist told me what number he is so I thanked her before rushing to the stairs.

I run 3 stairs up then to the room that's close to the stairs, I took a deep breath and regain my composure beside knocking on the door, The door opens to see Bethany and hugs me completely shaken.

"What happen?" I ask while I comfort her, She leans back to look at me taking a deep breath, An idiot drunk driver drove past a red light while we were walking, instead both of us getting hit Fred pushes me away from danger but he didn't got time to get out of danger himself" she says sobbing.

He hit his head on the ground hard which instantly knocked him out, I think he's gonna have a minor memory loss" She says, "I hope that doesn't happen" I say and checks on Fred.

I sigh and sat on the chair then ask her if I could stay with her which she nodded, we wait for the doctor and after that I'll notify his parents then bring her back home.

- - - - -

I take her back home safely then wished her a good night, "He'll be fine right?" She asks worriedly, "He will be fine, from then on I'll look after you from those thugs tomorrow till Fred's recovered" I reassured her knowing full well that she's a cheerleader captain.

I take her back home safely then wished her a good night, "He'll be fine right?" She asks worriedly, "He will be fine, from then on I'll look after you from those thugs tomorrow till Fred's recovered" I reassured her knowing full well that she's a...

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