"You kissed him?!" Seungyoun's indignant gasp had his cat lift her head from Wooyoung's lap to glare at him. Wooyoung pet her soothingly, copying her glare. Then he had to giggle.
"I didn't kiss kiss him. It was just on the cheek." Wooyoung tapped the corner of his own mouth to show where he had kissed Yeosang. Seungyoun's lips dropped open further.
"That's not the cheek!" He screeched like a flabbergasted lady from the 19th century. Wooyoung waved it off and plopped another raisin in his mouth. Their taste reminded him of Ada and Yeosang.
Seungyoun watched him with a grimace of disgust from the sidelines. Just to bother him, Wooyoung chewed with his mouth open.
"I wouldn't have slept with him. He was just too cute to resist. He knew I was just passing through and unavailable. Me leaving gave him the option to act without having to be embarrassed after if something went wrong. His consent was in his teasing back," Wooyoung concluded the matter. Seungyoun still looked at him like a disappointed mum, but he didn't bite back anymore.
When Wooyoung dug his hand into his pocket, Seungyoun abandoned the theatre and watched him curiously. Upon laying eyes on the silver hair accessory in Wooyoung's palms, his eyes lit up.
"You found it. It was between the folds of your tunic when you returned. A different tunic than the one I gave you, by the way."
"Yeah, they redressed me for the ritual. It was my smallest concern. Thank you for picking it up for me." Wooyoung eyed the old jewellery that had withstood time to effortlessly. Usually, he would have to put something like that into their museum, but they had enough of those trinkets. This one was all his.
"Do you think it belongs to San?" Seungyoun crossed his legs. At Wooyoung's faint nod, a smile spread on his face.
"How about you wear it? You two can't exchange sweaters, but you could wear this for him. I know how to braid it into your hair," Seungyoun offered. As soon as Wooyoung lifted his hand to give him the pearl without having to stir up the cat, Seungyoun jumped to his feet. Like a gleeful overgrown kobold, he shuffled behind Wooyoung with giggles spilling from his lips.
Wooyoung put his elbow on the armrest on the couch to rest his chin in his hand while Seungyoun's fingers tugged and braided at his hair.
"Maybe I should bring him something in return. Without telling him why. What accessory would withstand time well? Leather suits him but it's impractical."
"How about a pendant? He can wear it and combine it with whatever chain currently in trend," Seungyoun suggested. His fingertips massaged Wooyoung's scalp while he did his hair. Wooyoung's eyes fluttered threateningly.
"I don't want him to lose it."
"A cockring, then."
Wooyoung was about to launch his cat at the man, but Seungyoun jumped away from him with a high-pitched squeal. Only when Wooyoung had rolled his eyes and settled down again, Seungyoun's hands returned to his hair.
"Sighing like a lovesick maid. I miss joking around with you. But how about an earring or a regular ring then?"
Wooyoung hummed. He was pretty sure that Suusaandar had worn heavy golden earrings. If San still had the piercings, that could work. He would keep his eyes open for one suiting the man.
When Seungyoun was done with his hair, he stepped back proudly. The weight of the pearl was barely noticeable but just heavy enough that Wooyoung didn't have to search when he reached for it. He felt over the pretty braid at the side of his head and grinned at Seungyoun in gratitude. Delighted, the man snatched a few hazelnuts from the trail mix in the bowl next to Wooyoung and sat down on his couch again.
FanfictionWooyoung meets San for the first time in the year 582 BC in the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. He meets him again three hundred years later in Rome. When they meet a third time on a Viking ship 838 AD, Wooyoung challenges the coincidence.