2) Murder

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🩸 Davina's POV 🩸

One of the strongest winds I've created flows through me. I can barely keep myself standing. I see the red oak trees branches practically bend backwards at the force of the wind I just summoned.

I really wish I knew the origin of my powers, or shall I say curse. From what I know, it doesn't run in my family. In fact, nobody knows of the powers I withhold. The only people that know are six feet underground.

I sometimes wonder if my family knows but chooses to ignore it. Imagine it coming out to the public that their future queen hold supernatural powers. My family legacy would be ruined. I would be killed. Not like people don't attempt to everyday.

Almost every week I'm being attacked. By who? I wish I had an answer. I can leave the castle and come back with blood dripping down my face after an attack, and my family won't notice. I avoid being seen by Harden and my father thinks I'm trying to get out of being the Queen. I never see my mother anymore, so I don't have to worry about her. Somehow, even when I'm telling the truth, I'm always lying.

Once I hear the red oak tree start to crack, I bring the wind back and control myself. The one thing about this power is that when my emotions rise, so does the wind. I practically suffocate myself to the point where I feel like I'll implode. But hey, anything to be Queen, right?

After controlling myself, I walk back to my room. When I reach my door, I hear movement beside me. I snap my head towards the sound to see Christian entering his room as well. Great. We're neighbors too.

I gasp at the sight of him. The largest cut I've seen runs across his cheek and blood is dripping into his bright green eyes. His face is different shades of purple from bruising. But the one thing that scares me the most are his hands.

They're soaked with blood. Splatters of blood coats his frontside, and his shirt had multiple tears along it.

And I can't help but notice the hilt of a knife that lays in his front right pocket.

Noticing that my eyes were wandering, Christian quickly clears his throat and turns his body away. I hear him mumble a quick goodnight as he stumbles into his bedroom.

I continue to stand outside my door in shock. Why was Christian covered in blood? Why did he have a knife? Please, for the love of Saints, am I roommates with one of my own assassins?

I hastily enter my room and make way to the mirror. Dinner is at 5, meaning I have about ten minutes to look presentable.

My hair was an absolute rats nest after my blow out, literally. And my brand new bruise on my right cheek has started making her way into my collection. I'm going to need a little more foundation than usual.

After cleaning up, I make my way to dinner.


Christian doesn't show for dinner. Or dessert. Apparently, his food is sent up to his room.

Pretty suspicious if you ask me.

I can't stop thinking about what I just saw. The deep gash on his face, his torn clothing. There's no nobody saw him walking down the halls. He must be being attended to right now.

Unless he wanted to keep it a secret like me.

Once excused, I make a bee line to Christians room. I can't take the anticipation. If he's seriously hurt, then I need to help him. I've had my fair share of stitching and wrapping, all the while trying to keep it a secret.

I lightly knock in his door. After a few seconds, the door carefully cracks open, and a green eye meets my gaze.


I push my body weight on the door and force the door open. Christian stumbles backwards, shocked by my sudden force.

I feel lightheaded from his appearance.

Christian's face is unscarred, he has no trace of blood on him whatsoever. He's in a fresh pair of clothes, minus a shirt.


There's zero signs of trauma on his abdomen. Not a single cut, bruise, or drop of blood.

It's almost as if it never happened.

"What's happened? What's wrong?"

I look around the room for any sign of his old clothes. I couldn't have imagined it. I walk around him and search his room for his torn clothing.

"Where is it?"


"Where's the bloody clothes? Where's your scars?"

"Davina, you need to calm down. You're not making any sense."

"Why weren't you at dinner, huh?" I lick my finger and drag it along his cheek, hoping to wipe away some magic concealer. Nothing. His smooth skin looks like he was just born yesterday.

"Where did it all go?"

I notice how close we are when I feel his hot breath on my face. He leans in a little closer, and I'm intoxicated with his scent.

He brings his thumb to my face and drags it along my cheek. I flinch away from the pain of my bruise. Christian jumps a little too, worry spreading on his face.

"You need to rest."

"You need to tell me what's going on."

"I'm fine, really. Look at me," he backs away and opens his arms as if to display his untouched body. "You need to sleep, you look exhausted."

"I look exhausted?" The audacity this man has, I swear.

"You freaking show up at your door looking like you went through a meat grinder, and you try to tell me I look tired. And I saw that little knife of yours bud, so don't think you're getting away with that either."

"Davina, I don't know what you're talking about. I think you're still a little shocked at the news, as am I. you need to sleep it off."

He takes me by the shoulders and guides me to my bedroom next door.

"You, get changed and go to sleep and I'll see you in the morning, okay?"

I barely hear what he says, because my eyes are trained on the glass doors to my balcony. Except, I can't see through the glass anymore. It's covered in blood. "Murder" is written along the glass with fresh wet blood. I see a shadowy figure move from behind the red stained glass.

Fresh tracks.

It's go time baby.

"Shit," I say under my breath and push the balcony door open. I see someone dressed in all black running through the yard. How did he get down from the balcony so fast? I'm on the fifth floor.

Without hesitation, I climb onto the ledge and prepare to jump. Not a second too late, large arms wrap around me and pull me back onto the blood-soaked balcony.

Christian. I forgot he was in the room. Oh shit.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Are you seriously going to jump from your balcony because you have to marry me? And why is their blood on your-"

I cut him off. I can still reach the guy, but he's getting farther away.

"Listen, Christian, I understand your concern. But I need you to shut the hell up for a second and trust me. Wait for me in my bedroom and I'll explain everything later." I claw at his arms still around my waist but he won't budge.

"I'm not letting you go after him," he says as he realizes what I'm about to do.

I thrust my elbow into his chest, and he loosens his grip. Taking advantage, I escape from his arms and knee him in the groin.

"I'm sorry, I'll explain everything later."

Without hesitation, I leap from the balcony's edge.

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