01| Beginning of the End

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In the heart of Portland, Oregon, a bustling hub for supernatural beings, Noluthando, a runaway princess from a forgotten South African coven, found herself navigating the complexities of her new life. With Vusi as her handler, the master of discretion, Nolu had secured a place at Portland State University, hidden away until the looming threat passed. Magic detectors would go haywire in this supernaturally infused city, but for now, she relished the prospect of experiencing university life before the weight of her royal responsibilities pressed upon her. Until the situation becomes dire, her people won't know she's gone. Save only for a small discreet search party, hence the hiding in plain sight. 

Portland State University, teeming with supernatural residents, felt like a sanctuary. The greenery is so inviting and reminds her of her training back home. As she explored the campus, the greenery mirrored the training grounds back home, and she couldn't help but reminisce about the thrill of magical pursuits. Despite the responsibility that came with the amount of power coursing through her veins, she never resented having magic at first. Being able to learn new ways to cast spells, make interesting potions and physical training excited her, it became everything to her. The wind in her hair as she chased wounded animals to try and heal them all. She loved the responsibility it came with, she even thought she loved her the destiny written in the stars for her. Her life wasn't the only one completely written before she was born. and that's how she even ended up here. Trying to make the most of her final months of freedom. Come on Nolu, focus. Where is this building?

The campus map showed her how to find all the important buildings she would be acquainting herself with over the next 7 months. Walking past the lecture halls, vibrant sororities, rustic fraternities, and open spaces for potential bonding with other students between lectures. She imagined the fields of green were known for picnics on weekends, or overflow for all the party goers of the institution. It had her nervous, excited and frightened in anticipation for all the shenanigans she could get up to now that she had a chance at a normal life. Navigating through the vibrant atmosphere, Nolu finally reached Room 108 in the Richard's building, where her new journey would unfold. The door ajar, she found herself face to face with Yasmin, her roommate—a tall, athletic girl with light brown curls, immediately exuding an energy that both intrigued and unsettled Nolu.

"Hey, I'm Yasmin, and you must be Nolu." The athlete raced to hug her at the door, and almost knocked the wind out of her. Suddenly years of anxiety, joy, and something close to buried anger washed over her body. The buried anger was wrapped in a glow, something Nolu had only ever felt a few times, but she didn't want to believe it. Chills ran from her shoulders to the tips of her fingers and from the pit of her stomach to the soles of her feet. She froze in Yasmin's arms and tried to mask her fear with confusion.

"Was my name on the door?" She asked looking back at the door for any clues. No first name, just an initial and surname on a piece of paper held up with tape. N. Malakhiwe & Y. Metternich.

"No, I wanted to know who I was sharing with, so I convinced one of the ladies in the registration office to give me your name. Then I looked you up." What did she find? My social media is regularly monitored. She couldn't possibly see anything about me on there, I'm not even sure if my royal status is public knowledge, considering what the monarchy is planning with me. They probably wouldn't want the world to have access to that kind of information.
"Your insta grid is amazing by the way, I love the vibrant colours. Did you grow up on a farm or something?"

"Is it normal to research your roommate before meeting them?" Her Instagram only had one picture of her face and she almost got in trouble when she posted it last year. Nolu's dad treats her like she has an international target on her back. She gets it, but she's been taught to contain and restrict her powers for so long, she doesn't even know what it would be like for her powers to be unchecked anymore.

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