04| Normal Day. Kind of?

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Nolu tried to steady herself by focusing on grounding thoughts, and took deep breath. She raised her hand to his exposed arm and shook it, then gently pulled at his backpack. As their skin made contact, she conjured memories of sunrises on her balcony back home. 

"We should head out; your coffee is going to cool off." He remained completely still, his gaze fixed. "Remember you wanted to get a head start on those readings?" She took hold of his arm, really focusing on her grounding thoughts, and began guiding him toward the pickup station, where his coffee now sat next to someone else's sandwich order. "Emberly, thanks for the coffee!" she shouted back. She attempted to soften her tone, prioritizing not revealing her powers at that particular moment. She did not sound soft or calm, she had practically yelled through gritted teeth with how much unbridled power was coursing through her in that moment. She was starting to hear patrons' thoughts about school, partners, family and so many more personal issues she almost started tearing up. She pushed him toward the counter and felt the weight of the world lift off her chest, she couldn't tell if she had been holding her breath or if the pressure was what caused her to pant softly. 

"Goodbye, Nolu. See you later, Kelly." Emberly waved with a sweet smile, but internally, Nolu sensed her simmering frustration at their intimacy.

"She paid for that?" The incredulity in his voice sliced through the ambient noise, causing a subtle pause around them. Whatever spell had ensnared him seemed on the verge of breaking. Nolu nodded placing his order on her tray with a nonchalant ease. Kelly, seemingly jarred from his trance, made an impulsive move to snatch the tray from her.

"Don't drink it," he warned abruptly, his tone carrying an unusual urgency.

"Kelly, you're being ridiculous, and you don't even know me."

"Noluthando, she's... she's not... a good person."

A quizzical expression crossed Nolu's face. "What made you come to that conclusion?"

"Promise not to judge me," Kelly pleaded, a hint of vulnerability in his eyes.

"Why would that stop you?" Nolu shot back, her curiosity piqued.

He responded with a deadpan look, silently conveying, seriously?

"Fine," Nolu rolled her eyes, adopting a playful stance, one hand on her chest, the other raised in the air. "Scouts honor."

"We dated, and her best friend used to be Yasmin's. After we broke up they were awful to all of us." As the revelation unfolded, Kelly shared a piece of his past that had left scars. The air in the bustling cafeteria felt charged with the weight of unspoken history, and Nolu, now privy to a fragment of Kelly's personal narrative, couldn't help but wonder about the complexities of relationships and the shadows they cast.

"You broke up with her?"

Killian's response held the reservations he'd never voice to Nolu. "Yes?"

A pause hung in the air as Nolu's gaze shifted, the realization settling in. "That explains a lot..." she murmured, her thoughts echoing with the weight of understanding.

The exchange continued, shifting towards Emberly's behavior. "So, she was harassing you?" Kelly's voice hardened, revealing a protective instinct

"No," Nolu responded, her tone measured. "She was being friendly but," she hesitated looking for the words that wouldn't offend. "Definitely laying it on too thick."

Kelly, cautioned, "Just watch out when it comes to her."

"I can take care of myself, Kelly," Nolu replied with a steadfast determination.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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