02| Good & Bad Connections

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Yasmin and Nolu decided to have their own roommate sleepover instead of trying to fit in with the sorority girls at PSU. When Nolu imagined slumber parties at sororities it was never good. Slashers and comedic hazing movies, that were never funny when you thought about the torture the girls were put through, always came to mind. Yasmin had actually considered it when she looked at the flyer and saw which sorority was hosting the party. Apparently they were one of the nicer more inclusive ones, but that didn't sway Nolu.

They played music by a duo called Party Pupils, who Nolu didn't know, but they had remixes of famous songs in their discography. She wasn't sure she'd get the hype, before hearing their Ms. Jackson remix, then she started dancing along and humming the parts she recognised. Yasmin had stopped trying to get information and settled into the relaxed energy of the room. They played card games on the floor and with slightly lowered inhibitions, from bonding they had been doing since the late afternoon, and the very lowered inhibitions from the Gin and juice they'd been drinking, Nolu took the chance to ask. 

"Is Kelly a hunter?" On her walk around campus Nolu realised that if he was a new werewolf, there would have been more signs than the mind reading. Which is when she remembered something from her training. Her mother had said that hunters and witches are such opposing forces, their powers gain a mind of their own around each other. Even some of the most formidable witches weren't immune to a levitating vase, shattered windows or rampant thoughts.

"A what?" Yasmin almost choked on her own saliva, she had been trying to see if Nolu was supernatural since she arrived, but hadn't expected such a covert confession this early. Wolfgang mentioned how tense Kelly was when he came back from the dorm, but Kelly was always tense around Wolfgang. And if Yasmin was honest with herself, the sibling group chat had really become a gossip hub over the years, not the emergency centre they originally created it to be. However, it had raised her suspicions about what the hell kind of supernatural could unsettle Kelly.

"A Hunter, Yasmin," she yelled over the music, "or are you not a fairy?" Nolu hadn't expected her response to be so bold. Just how much Gin did Yasmin put in this cup? She couldn't understand a world where hunters and supernaturals were not only allies but best friends, god siblings even. When Nolu was young she had heard about some super powerful hunting family and their werewolf best friends. At the time she had thought it was pretty cool, having a hunter on their side, but given how dangerous it was, wondered if it was worth it for them to be in each other's lives. 

"Okay keep your voice down." Yasmin reached over to the speaker and turned it off. "What are you and how did you figure out he was a Hunter without showing him what you are?" She was obviously still stone cold sober in comparison, but definitely buzzed because her words slurred slightly. 

"I'm a witch, shhhh" Nolu whispered.  "Was that book a Reisefuhrer?"

"I'm going to get you some water." There was a part of Yasmin, a very quiet part of her that knew Nolu wasn't just drunk blabbing. "No one has seen a witch in decades, the hunters wiped them out." Yasmin opened the water bottle and handed it to the inebriated witch sitting cross legged on the floor. Nolu hated that myth, hunter's were undeniably powerful, but against every coven on earth? Not only were they out gunned, but severely out manned. 

"You're a Fairy." It didn't take reading her mind to figure it out, she remembered the glow she had seen Yasmin's anger wrapped in. Fairies, like everyone else in the world, had a tendency to bury the emotions they find the hardest to face. The difference is the glow, fairies are powered by emotions, so any buried emotion will have a bright identifiable glow. Different colours depending on the fairy and the emotion. Yasmin's was green, and she didn't know what that meant yet. "One of three kids that are... triplets. And the other two are... Werewolves?" Nolu was getting a lot more than she bargained for with this family. "Your mom's the fairy and your dad's the wolf." She almost choked at the next piece of information she stumbled into. "A vegetarian wolf?" What the hell kind of situation did I walk into by befriending this fairy girl?

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