Therapy Pets, Special Attacks and Arraigned Marriage!?

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The morning following the introduction of both Tenko and Eri to the dorms was the resume of training, despite it being the middle of the week. The Dekuharem as they call themselves have come upon a condry involving the training that they will be doing. Izuku himself has to train constantly to build up his prowess and strength with One for All and the other girls have to improve their own abilities seeing as the original purpose of the training camp was this improvement. Due to the attack that point is now moot and the class have to make up for lost training time at the UA gymnasium, or what probably should be referred to as Aircraft hanger as the building is almost a kilometer high and 10km long. The girls have decided to take shifts watching over Eri and Tenko as the others train, every few hours or so they will switch out when they have steamed out all the energy they have at the moment for quirk usage. At the moment, Momo is sitting on a rocking chair she has made and is nursing young Tenko under a blanket while gently rocking the baby. Meanwhile Eri was watching a movie on the Nintendo Switch that Izuku had brought for her to keep her entertained while they trained. In order to be kept out of harm's way of any falling debris or quirk discharges, Cementoss has gone through the trouble of incorporating a bunker with recording studio level noise cancelation to alleviate any of the explosions or any other ruckus the class is making from waking up the baby. Furthermore, the class, except for Bakugou, have unanimously decided to stop all noise as the girls switch out to tend to the young ones inside the small bunker.

    "Hey Yaomomo. We're gonna switch." Shoko says into a microphone that Momo had given her. On the other end, Momo had created a small radio that she was currently playing classical music on for the two of them. She picks up the mic on her end before speaking into it, answering Shoko.

    "Alright. Is everyone quieting down then? Tenko's starting to fall asleep."

    "Wait just one second." Momo watches for a moment as a large shelf of ice manifests from Shoko's right foot freezing Bakugou in a block of ice, finally making the room silent. "Alright, all quiet." Momo opened the door for the half and half quirk user to be standing outside to handle a passoff.

    "You are going to thaw him out, right?"

    "Izuku's on the side ready to punch him out. Aizawa has been having me make stronger and stronger ice to train myself and Izuku in the process."

    Looking over, Momo noticed Izuku standing in wait for her to come out and Shoko to enter. He waved at her while giving a smile for the raven haired woman to gently pass Tenko over so as to not wake him. "He's starting to fall asleep. Try to keep from making a large amount of noise."

    "Gotcha." Shoko walks in with Momo shutting the door behind her. A moment later, the sound of ice breaking was heard as well as the somewhat muted shouts of Bakugou cursing Shoko out before having what sounded like Izuku punching him in the face for said profanity. 'He really isn't smart at times.' Going to the rocking chair, Shoko notices Eri watching a movie. "Hey there snowball. What are you watching?" Tapping the girl on her shoulder, Eri pauses the movie before taking off her headset and turning around to answer Shoko.

    "Ponyo. Daddy said it's a cute movie that I would like."

    "Do you like it?"

    Eri nods at the response. "I think it's kinda cute. I like the fishy girl."

    "Well that's nice. Why don't you come sit on your mama Shoko's lap so we can watch together?" Eri nodded for her to stand and move onto Shoko's lap as she sat in the rocking chair, adjusting Tenko for his head to rest peacefully on her chest over her heart for her heartbeats to soothe the child. She doesn't know as much about how some children are raised, but she personally liked the sound of her mother's heart when she was younger and still had her around. Shoko wanted to emulate that and give Tenko a similar treat, so she decided to try it the other day and he seemed to greatly enjoy the sound of her heart.

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