The Bunny's Turn

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 Izuku and Rumi walked down the street with the latter leading them. Since there wasn't much information given to him, Izuku simply chose to wear a nice dark button down shirt with jeans while Rumi wore a sleeveless white top and skin tight jeans. "So you wanna tell me what happened to get into an argument with Mt. Lady and have you bring me to 'prove you're not sagging anywhere'?" Izuku asked to have some pretense into how things got so far.

"It's just small stuff. Nothing to worry about." Izuku stopped and stared at Rumi for her to roll her eyes. "Ok. The other day, a bunch of guys were taking autographs from our team up assignment being completed. She made a comment after about how my life isn't as hard as someone who's main appeal is her strength which you and I know is just her fat ass. I was kinda pissed with that comment and argued I don't need to have a bunch of freaks that are probably taking the pic of her and dropping a load at home to it gawking over me when I've already got a man of my own. She laughed at my comment saying that those that would date me would have a muscle fetish or some ugly freaks that probably smell like fish and live with their mom. I stated back that that was actually her fanbase and most would prefer a self empowering woman as a lover who's confident in herself and willingly tries to go the extra mile to do great things in their life."

"Not exactly wrong in that department. Most guys would be happy to have a woman that is honest in what she believes in and isn't afraid of a little scrutiny in knowing who she is specifically."

"I know, right. That fat assed bitch doesn't understand how much of a catch I am like you do." Rumi continued on with her story after Izuku's agreement. "Anyway, it eventually got to the point where she basically said for me to put up or shut up. I personally don't gain anything much more than just seeing that stuck up bitch's face pissed when she realizes I got myself a man of my own and she's only got creeps gawking at her."

'And Mineta falls into that category.' "So this is just lunch with Mt. Lady and proving to her that you're just as appealing to men as she is?"

"Pretty much."

"...Ok. So why couldn't you have told me this sooner instead of just warning me to meet you and also not to wear underpants?"

"Cause. I wanted to see if you'd also do that." Rumi laughed at this with Izuku pinching the bridge of his nose.

"C'mon. It actually hurts wearing no boxers under jeans. Couldn't you have just skipped that part?"

"Hey. I go commando a lot of times as well, but you don't hear me complaining."

"You also don't have something dangling between your legs to relate to a man in that situation."

"....Good point." Izuku and Rumi continued walking until they arrived at a small cafe. Outside, they were met by the pro hero Yu Takeyama, more commonly known as Mt. Lady sitting down and browsing through her phone. "Oi, wide ass!"

"Did you have to call her that?"

Looking up from her phone, Mt. Lady stared at Izuku and smirked. "So you got yourself a guy. Probably a pansy that you scared into doing this." She got up and walked towards Izuku to circle around him. "Baby face with freckles. Ridiculously messy hair. Ugly arm filled with scars....Hmmm. What's your quirk, kid? Also, aren't you a first year?"

"Y-yes, I'm a first year. M-my quirk is a strength enhancer type. My scars are also from my lack of control that was from it manifesting late in life for me."

"Ah, so you're a late bloomer. No wonder you're dating the battle hungry rabbit. You don't know what a real woman is like."

"HEY! I'M RIGHT HERE!" Rumi shouted in anger for Mt. Lady to pull Izuku into a hug and bury his face in her chest.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2023 ⏰

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