4. I'm Going Where!?

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In the car drive, I was arguing with Asmo because the she-devil is coming out more often, him saying it is normal and she should come out even more often because that's who I am and me saying it's not normal for humans and I live among them so it isn't really practical. When we arrived at the hospital they did weird tests and now I'm sitting waiting for the results "I don't even know what the tests are for" I grumbled to Asmo as I shifted on this uncomfortable hospital chair.

"They were to see if you have a mental problem" One voice said and my head snapped to the annoying voice to glare at what I discovered was an old doctor with glasses and grey hair.

"And? What did I have?" I asked in a somewhat respectful voice, I was seriously curious about that. I know I don't have anything but they probably think I have because they know less than me.

"You have schizophrenia" He stated and I almost laughed. I really should do more bets, I would win them all.

"That's good, now can I go?" I asked, looking around for an exit, already tired of this bullshit.

"No it's not good, it's horrible. And no, you can't go home. People with schizophrenia can be dangerous at some point so you will be taken away from your foster family and put into a mental institution" He said putting his hands in front of me so I wouldn't walk away.

"I'M GOING WHERE?!?" I screamed so loud that even some people looked up to glare but then saw the doctor stepping away in fear and looked away.

"You are going to an asylum, madhouse, nut house. Do you need more examples, huh?" Asmo said laughing.

"Shut up Asmo, I'm not talking with you" I snapped annoyed.

The people start to avoid eye contact with me and step back.

"Mommy, who's that lady talking to?" A child asked his mother, I suppose.

"Carter, It doesn't matter, just don't go too close to her, okay?" She asked and he nodded.

They think I am dangerous. I really I'm with this face and personality. I'm a bad bitch.

"You are dangerous, you are the daughter of Satan for fuck sack and you are out of point" Asmo stated, I bet he is rolling his eyes right now.

"I'm not gonna hurt you, I don't have a motive for doing it" I took a deep breath to calm my nerves as I said to the doctor, he relaxed a little.

"Right. Uh you're gonna be sent to a mental institution in two days" He stated nervously and I nodded.

"Can I bring clothes or other things?" I asked, my voice saddened as I really processed the information.

"No you can't but you can decide who's gonna stay with them" He responded and I nodded.

"Sorry for asking, but why did you do that in the church?" He asked and I responded "It was a warning to grandpa but he had his way and as a punishment, made you have a reason to send me to an asylum. Sneaky man" He gave me a confused look.

I shrugged and walked to Clarissa and Thomas who were staring at me since I shouted.

"So I'm guessing that you're already leaving me, I knew you couldn't do more than one month" I said as I leaned against the counter beside me.

"Yes we are leaving, we knew something was wrong with you" Clarissa said.

"There's nothing wrong with me and don't worry I will see you again. In hell. Because believe me, you are going there I would make sure of it" I said sweetly, then I touched their noses and walked away leaving them dumbfounded.

I took care of the change information and my clothes. I decide to leave my things and Levia in the orphanage, I know they will treat them well. I don't know if they let the children have pets but they love me so they will do that for me. If they don't then I'm going to throw myself out of this moving car, go get my pet and force the asylum to let me have her with my mesmerization.

If you don't know what mesmerization is, it's a fairy power. It consists of doing what the fairies want, the fairy only needs to have eye contact in order to seize your mind with a simple phrase or change in tone of voice.

Then came a car to take me to the asylum. Ugh it's so weird to say that.

The car stopped and I looked to the side only to see a huge building with a lot of windows and a vast lawn.

'Wow it's not that bad, scratch that, it's horrible' I thought, then I heard screams.

Damn this person reaches the high note as much as Ariana Grande.

I didn't even notice someone trying to talk to me until they snapped their fingers in front of my face.

I looked up to see an old man with a calm expression on his face.

Let's see that calm face when I finish talking to him.

I approached him so we could come face to face and asked "Yes?" With a smirk.

"I was introducing myself, my name is Alfred Amspoker but you can call me Mr. Amspoker" He said emotionlessly.

"Okay Alfred" I said just to piss him off.

"So why are you here?" He said surprising me cause I thought he already knew.

"I apparently burned a church, made angels and Christ cry blood and have schizophrenia. I told dad it wasn't a good idea to put Asmo in my head" I said, more to myself than to him.

"Asmo?" He asked.

"Yes, Asmodeus is a demon that is in my head and it was my dad that put him there" I said.

"A demon? Did your father do something to you?" He asked worriedly.

"Oh no, no I didn't even know he existed a few days ago. He's the Devil you know, busy life. And he put one of his demons in my head to be like a guardian angel" I said normally. He probably doesn't believe it, so I'm fine.

"This girl is one of the imaginative ones" He thought and I responded with "No Alfred, it's real true, you just don't understand because you are human".

"How did you know what I was thinking?" He asked, startled.

"Fairy powers" I said in a duh voice.

He just looked at me suspicious but scared.

Here I am again, I'm saying if I bet in everything I would be rich.

Then he opened the door revealing a huge hallway with countless doors.

Let's make crazy friends.


Thomas and Clarissa are such little bitches, Istg.

Xoxo Mads 💋

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