8. Our Trio

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I woke up and saw it was morning. I still don't believe Lilith did that, Roxy looked like she just saw a ghost. Maybe she saw Molly's ghost.

I got up from bed and Maddy took me to the canteen with three guards by my side.

When I entered, people looked away from me with fear. Good, they should be.

I sat down with Lilith and she said "Hey Dio, I'm sorry about yesterday. I acted like a stupid hoe, could you forgive me?" With her hands together.

"Yeah sure but don't do it again" I warned and she said "Wouldn't think of it and probably you kill me if I did"

Then the girl Molly bullied sat next to us and I noticed that she has curly short dark brown hair with dark skin and grey eyes.

"Hey I'm Brizo, I just wanted to thank you about yesterday so thank you" She said quickly and stood up to walk away. I took her hand to stop her and asked "Do you want to sit with us?"

"Yeah sure, thank you" She said as she put her tray on the table.

"I'm Lilith and this is Dionne" Lilith said enthusiastically.

"Your names are so pretty" She said, putting honey in her toast.

"So what are you?" I asked, eating the awful bread that they had here.

"Oh I'm a mermaid" She said. Ohhh, a mermaid. I think they are so beautiful.

"Really? What's the color of your tail?" Lil asked and she answered "Yellow and what are you?"

"I'm the daughter of the devil so I have celestial and dragon blood. And my mom was the Queen of Fairies so I have a lot of powers connected to nature and other things" I said and she looked at me mouthed-open.

"And I'm a vampire, I don't have as much info as Dio" Lilith said.

"So why are you here?" I asked and she said "I was transforming in my mermaid form when a person saw me, took me away and started doing tests on me. Damaging my brain and make me have a mental problem"

"That's horrible. Are you okay?" Lil asked and she nodded.

"Wait, aren't fairies and vampires enemies or something like that" Brizo asked and I said "Yeah pretty much but we get along well"

"It's because of the fact that we are best friends, right?" Lil asked and I replied "Yeah".

"Really? Do you want to be my best friend?" She quesioned happily, like a kid when their parents let them eat candy.

"Yeah why not?" I answered and she jumped from the bench and started jumping up and down.

I tried to calm her down and Brizo looked at us amused.

When I finally got her to calm down she hugged me for 3 minutes. I counted.

The breakfast ended and we were taken away to the outside.

It was a field with fences all around, so no one could leave.

"So tell, where are you from?" I asked Brizo and she answered "I was from the pacific ocean, more or less through Central America"

"Cool" I said, then I had an idea.

"See this" I said, transforming into a snake and crawling to a group of human girls. When they saw me they started to scream and ran away.

I go to a tree and transform back to normal to see the guards looking around for danger.

The day passed without important events, just our trio relaxing and talking. Our trio, it's good to say that.

They took me to my room and I prepared myself for bed. I have to talk to Roxy tonight, if she even wants to talk to me.

I entered the dream and it was in a big house. Must be the pack house.

"What are you doing here?" A voice said and I looked to see Roxy sitting on a grey couch.

"I came here to see if you are okay? You know you are having dreams with a killer" I said sitting next to her while looking at home decoration. It was really cozy.

"I'm okay but my parents think it's for the best if we don't talk anymore" She said and I looked at her with a stubborn expression saying "Why would they want that? I promised to never hurt you"

"They think I will get some of your craziness and they don't want that" She said nervously.

"You are afraid of me" I said while standing up with a pained expression on my face.

"I'm not afraid of you, I'm just afraid of how you will react" She said, trying to soften the situation.

"It's the same thing but I respect your decision so I think this is a see you later" I said sadly and a little angry.

"See you later?" She asked, confused "You can't get rid of me that easily, you're gonna to see me again" I mocked tapping my shoulder on hers.

"So see you later" I said and waved before I got out of the dream.

We are gonna see each other again, I just know.


I have nothing to say so

Xoxo Mads 💋

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