26. What?

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"What?" I asked after some seconds. What is she talking about?

"The flower. It's blooming again" She exclaimed, smiling widely. I blinked before moving quickly towards the garden, she and Finn trailed behind me. As soon as my eyes catched the little flower I couldn't keep the surprise from showing on my face. The old dead flower was now full of red petals. I smiled at the sight.

"I told you she would come back" A voice came from beside me, I turned my head to see Asmodeus with his arms crossed and a little smile on his face.

"So she's alive again?" Finn questioned behind me, I could hear the smile on his face. I nodded and looked back at the plant.

"Isn't it great? I wonder where she is? Maybe she's in the pack" Madeline said and Asmodeus nodded, smiling. I immediately turned around and walked to my office, already planning on marking an reunion so we could find my cherry.


"I think we should keep this between us until we find her" I stated to Finn who sat in front of my black wood desk. He nodded and moved his attention back to the book he was reading.

'Yes, Alpha?' The voice of the detective of the town, Walker Sears, spoke after I requested a mind-link with him.

"I need to find someone" I replied looking at the photo I had of Dionne on the side of my computer. Her black hair was covering parts of her face but that blue glint on her eyes appeared. She was smiling and I couldn't help but smile at the memory.

I'm going to find you, beautiful.


"We already sent people to find her, Alpha" He said and a smile came to my lips.

"I still can't believe she's back" Lilith's voice spoke, I turned around and she was smiling widely.

"Yeah, I could explode from happiness. I just hope we find her soon" I commented and she nodded, turning around when the sound of steps were heard.

"It's time for dinner. Let's go" Beatrix said grinning at Lilith before pulling her for a kiss. I left them alone and walked to the kitchen. Asmodeus was with an apron as he moved around the big espace, he looked concentrated.

I sat down and Finn, who sat beside me, asked "Did they already find anything?" I shook my head and took a sip of my water.

"Do you want to go to the forest tomorrow? I wanted to train some tricks. I'm going to bring Bri and the others by the way" I nodded and agreed. It feels like it has been years since I went to a forest. The constant memories of Dionne didn't help but now that I know she's alive, it's getting better.


"C'mon guys, hurry up it's almost noon" Finn shouted to us as we ate. I glared at him and he shut up.

"Now we're ready" Roxy announced, standing up and walking to the car. I trailed behind her and raised a brow when she tried to open the door "We are going walking" She turned to glare at me and I started to walk beside the rest of the group.


"The one who gets to the cliff first wins" Finn challenged "Wins what?" Lilith asked and he replied "Nothing. C'mon, it's fun" I transformed into my wolf form and Titan ran as fast as he could to the cliff. We stumbled on a tree root and fell. He growled and stood up again, this time going even faster once he saw the familiar brown ferret ahead of him.

Titan stopped when he saw a figure sitting on the cliff, their face was covered and we couldn't see them well because of the leaves. I transformed back and put on some extra clothes. I started walking slowly towards the person but the quiet sound of a branch breaking under my foot made the person turn around and stalk to us. Their figure disappeared and before I knew it, something tapped my mouth.

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