20. Chocolate Muffins

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My eyes fluttered open as the sun rays hit my face, I yawned and my eyes trailed slowly to Andreas that was lying beside me in bed. He looked so cute.

The day he asked me to be his girlfriend was a week ago and I couldn't be happier. Last night, we finally did it and it was awesome. I may not be able to get up, much less walk but I would do it again and again and aga-

I snapped out of the thoughts I was having when soft lips kissed my cheek. I looked to my side to see Andreas staring back at me with so much love I almost melted "Good morning baby" I whispered kissing his lips. He smiled before towering over me and nuzzling my neck, he mumbled "Good morning my sweet cherry" My face reddened as I remembered last night when he called me that.

"You made that on purpose" I murmured kinda annoyed at him, he chuckled and raised his face so I could see his beautiful eyes saying "Look who's blushing now" I silently glared at him before my gaze moved to his lips, his plump pink lips. They looked so delicious, I just wanted to kiss them until I couldn't anymore. I felt myself getting wet just thinking about the things we could be doing. Before I could process what I was doing my hands trailed to his neck and I pushed him for a rough kiss. I started grinding on him and I felt him move his hand to the headboard for support. He was breathing heavily and I could feel his member getting hard. He whispered breathlessly "Morning round?" I switched with him so I would be on top before finally nodding and mumbling 'yeah'.


I got out of the bathroom after taking a hot shower that relaxed my sore muscles with a tower around me to see Andreas putting his shorts on, his chiseled chest was full on display and I couldn't help but stare. He was just so damn hot. He must have noticed my presence because he glanced at me, his eyes trailed down my body, memorizing every inch of it until they settled in my eyes. He shook his head to probably clear his thoughts. He finally looked at me again this time a firm glint on his eyes.

"I know that look but it's not the time Dionne. Miss Evans is coming today "I looked at him confused about who he was talking about "Dorothy Evans" He added, smiling at my confused face. Oh that makes sense Sister Dorothy is coming today to help us. I didn't even know her last name was Evans.

He walked closer to me and put me on his arms kissing my lips before saying "Now hurry up. I'm waiting for you downstairs" He grabbed some shirt, put it on and walked out of the door leaving me in a daze and in need to feel his lips again.

I got dressed and walked downstairs too after some time. I made sure to get a jacket because it was almost raining outside.

It was already fall and it was starting to get cold.

When I got downstairs I noticed Andreas' parents looking at him slightly shocked, well shooked was an understatement his mother looked livid, his dad not so much, he looked happy

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When I got downstairs I noticed Andreas' parents looking at him slightly shocked, well shooked was an understatement his mother looked livid, his dad not so much, he looked happy.

"Hey" I greeted feeling curious about what was happening, the three of them looked at me in an awkward silence. It was soon interrupted by Roxy's familiar voice.

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